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You must develop a thesis statement ¦ 2022 Best answer

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You must develop a thesis statement ¦ 2022 Best answer In Module 6: Week 6, you must develop a thesis statement and outline for your 1200-1500 word cause and effect argument essay that you will write in Module 7: Week 7. You must develop a thesis statement Overview In Module 6: Week 6, you must develop a thesis statement and outline for your 1200-1500 word cause and effect argument essay that you will write in Module 7: Week 7. This assignment will show your understanding of the reading material covered so far in the course related to argument, research, and essay development. Putting in the time to do the groundwork in the thesis/outline assignment will help you when you begin writing the actual essay in Module 7: Week 7. It is important to review the sample student outline available in APA, MLA, and Turabian in chapter 15 to understand the expectations of this assignment that will be somewhat different from the expectations of the thesis/outline assignments for the other essay assignments in this course. Instructions Review chapter 15 in the textbook for the sample cause and effect Toulmin argument thesis/outline written in the documentation style for your major course of study. Using the sample, complete your own thesis/outline in Module 6: Week 6 that you will use in Module 7: Week 7 to develop your Cause and Effect Toulmin Argument Essay Assignment. Your thesis/outline assignment should include a clear thesis statement that addresses the question in the prompt with a clear cause and effect argument and an outline of your plan of support following the Toulmin Model of argument. The research sources for this essay have not been provided for you in our course. Your research sources must be credible and appropriate for an academic essay. You may include biblical support, but your biblical support does not count in the required citations. ·         Prompt: (Choose 1) What is the impact of technology in the American workplace? or What is the impact of Covid-19 on the American economy? ·         Complete your thesis/outline using the sample in chapter 15 as a model while addressing the prompt question. ·         Document your sources correctly according to your documentation style (Current APA, MLA, or Turabian). ·         Integrate a total of at least 4 quotations, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase (6 total) from at least 3 credible academic sources Helpful Hints ·         Chapter 15 in Module 6: Week 6 includes sample student outlines for a cause and effect (Toulmin) thesis/outline in each of the documentation styles (APA, MLA, and Turabian). ·         Chapter 3 in Module 6: Week 6 includes a general outline for the Toulmin Model of argument. ·         Review the Minimum Outline Requirements Checklist (below) to understand the content that you must include in your thesis/outline assignment. ·         Review the Cause and Effect Toulmin Argument Thesis/Outline Assignment Grading Rubric in the course before submitting your thesis/outline assignment. Minimum Outline Requirements Successful Needs Revision 1.  Thesis statement: Makes a clear argument explaining the need to examine causes or consider effects relative to the topic.     2.  Evidence: Presents points that support the thesis. (In your outline, include at least the minimum number of required paraphrases, summaries, and/or quotes from outside sources as indicated in assignment instructions.) *Toulmin has very specific requirements for the inclusion of background, grounds, backing, qualifier, and rebuttal.  See the sample outline and essay in Chapter 15 for more information to help you with this.     3. Opposing argument(s): Presents viewpoints opposing your thesis argument giving special consideration to opposition of your thesis. (Including the strongest opposition to refute helps build your credibility and convinces your audience to consider or adopt your position.)     4. Organize your information into the correct outline format. (See examples for APA, MLA, and Turabian in Chapter 15 for the Toulmin Model of argument.)     5. Documentation Requirements for Outline (Include minimum number of sources required for this assignment.): If using current APA format, include properly formatted parenthetical intext citations and a References page. If using current MLA format, include properly formatted parenthetical intext citations and a Works Cited page. If using current Turabian format, include properly formatted footnotes and Bibliography page.     When you are satisfied with the quality of your thesis/outline, submit it for grading. Include your degree program and whether you are using current MLA, APA, or Turabian in the document’s title when submitting your thesis/outline. Attachments Click Here To Download


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