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Week 5 Final Exams Assignment 2: Final Project Part 3: Final Paper This week, you will submit your final research paper.   Carefully review the guidelines for the paper covered for the  Week 3 Project.   Your final paper must be 6-8 pages in length (body of the paper) plus the title page and reference page. Do not include graphics or images unless you put them in the end matter. Your paper should have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement as the last sentence in the paragraph, several well-organized supporting paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph that sums of the main points of your paper and demonstrates to your reader that the thesis has been supported with evidence. Here is a checklist to review before submitting your final project:   · Does your paper still support the topic you chose in  Week 3?   · Be sure that the thesis statement of the introduction you drafted in  Week 3 is still strong enough to support your topic (for more on writing a strong thesis statement visit the  Purdue Online Writing Lab). Make edits as necessary. The outline you wrote should help you construct a strong body of paragraphs. Your references should already be APA formatted. Be sure that your final list of references is formatted properly using APA style. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures.    · Does your essay include a conclusion that summarizes your findings and ideas? Your conclusion must state why you think your chosen topic is relevant to early US history. You can also state why it is important in the study of history to explore this topic.   · Verify that the essay does not use any direct quotes or lists or pictures. The entire paper should be paraphrased material with citations to all facts and references to all citations. Do not list references that do not point to a citation.   Summary of Guidelines   · The body of the paper should be a MS Word document that is no less than six pages in length, double spaced in 12-point font.   · There should be an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement.   · Separate paragraphs should amplify separate, chronological events or concepts in early US history and their relation to your topic. Be sure to point out how the topic remained the same and/or changed over the time period in question.   · The paper should end with a strong conclusion that ties together the information found regarding the topic and discusses why the topic is important.   · References should be listed on a separate page in APA format.   Name your paper Lastname_Firstname_W5_FinalDraft.doc.   Submission Details:   · Submit your document to the  Submissions Area by  the due date assigned


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