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Week 4 soci/4080 assign | Social Science homework help

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Week 4 soci/4080 assign | Social Science homework help General Education Learning Outcomes (The DEEP-C Model) Discovery:  Students will locate and identify appropriate sources of information using multiple sources and methods, including bibliographic, textual, experiential, and experimental research. Evaluation:  Students will critically assess texts and arguments in multiple forms and contexts using quantitative and qualitative logic, the scientific method, ethics, and pragmatics. Expression:  Students will effectively and ethically communicate information and opinions verbally and nonverbally using written, oral, behavioral, and visual methods adapted for diverse audiences and purposes. Perspective: Students will be able to articulate the consistency and flexibility of knowledge as it is experienced across time, space, and culture. Change:  Students will articulate how their ability to discover, evaluate, and express ideas from different perspectives is instrumental in their progress toward achieving personal goals and effecting positive social change. Journal: Assessing Sources for Credibility Is your topic economically or politically charged? If so, there may be a group or groups that oppose efforts to address the social issue you have chosen for the Group Project. To gain support for the opposing views, these groups may create resources that have a particular slant or bias to their side of the issue, or they may create resources that are outright untrue. For this Journal Assignment, consider how you determine whether a resource is credible and how awareness of divisive views is important for addressing a social issue. To prepare for this Assignment: Review the explanation of Walden University’s DEEP-C Model General Education Learning Outcome “Evaluation” in the Syllabus.  Consider the resources you and your group members chose for your Topic Exploration and Analysis.   What types of sources are the most credible? Why? What sources can be less reliable or less credible? What makes them less reliable and less credible than other sources? What examples of bias and deception have you seen in sources related your group’s social issue? Why is it important to identify bias and deception in sources related to your group’s issue? The Assignment: Write a 2- to 3- paragraph journal entry in which you evaluate the credibility of information sources in general and specifically for the social issue your group has selected for the Group Project. Submit your Assignment by Day 7. In order to receive full credit, all assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Your Instructor’s contact information is in the Contact the Instructorarea in the left navigation bar. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus.


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