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Week 4 bus 370 discussion | BUS 370 Organizational Development | Ashford University

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Week 4 bus 370 discussion | BUS 370 Organizational Development | Ashford University Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, carefully read and review Chapters 7, 8, and 9 in the course textbook, review the 8 Vital Change Management Tools for Effectively Managing Change (Links to an external site.) webpage, and watch the How Can You Influence Others?  (Links to an external site.)video. Let’s have some fun during this week’s discussion. Prior to beginning the response to the discussion, familiarize yourself with the activities that occur during the various types of change intervention. Consider the variables of working with leaders versus teams, groups, or the entire organization. Once you have a solid understanding of how inventions look and the requirements to successfully deploy an OD interaction, you can move forward to the actual research for the discussion post. There are numerous companies that develop and market support tools and activities for learning and development. There are tools for individual, team, group, and organizational activities. Your job is to first decide on the type of intervention you will facilitate. Then, you will search online for a tool to use during your intervention. Refer to the table below for guidance during your search: DO DO NOTDo decide on a specific type of intervention.Do not decide on a specific change.Do research various companies and the tools they offer for development and collaboration.Do not select the first thing you find. Be choosy and understand how the process works and if it fits your needs for interaction.Do select a tool that will work well with your intervention choice.Do not select a process that is beneath or above the understanding level of the audience. For your initial post,  Identify your selected intervention. Explain why you chose that type of intervention. Describe the tools and activities selected to facilitate the interaction. Determine how you will use the tools and activities. Formulate the desired outcome of the process. Here are a few resources to get you started and provide you with keywords and ideas for further exploration of the possibilities: Guided Response: Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 250 and 300 words. You must support your post with at least two applicable resources in addition to the course textbook to defend your positions and findings. Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for additional guidance. Respond to at least three of your classmates’ posts during the discussion week. Responses to classmates must be substantive and further the discussion by reviewing and discussing the chosen intervention and tools selected to facilitation the intervention. Always cite and reference your resources in your discussion post. Refer to APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) if you need to.


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