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Week 2 plan of action—using the evidence-based approach to design

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Week 2 plan of action—using the evidence-based approach to design   Week 2 Plan of Action—Using the Evidence-based Approach to Design a Plan of Action to Address a Specific Public Health Problem This week’s readings have demonstrated the desirability of EBPH, definitions of EBPH, the scientific factors to consider when determining whether some type of public health action is warranted, tools for measuring impact of EBPH practice and conducting a community assessment to identify issues within a community, prioritizing these issues, developing interventions to address these issues based on a review of what has worked effectively in other places, and evaluating the process, impact, and outcome of intervention efforts. Now, utilize assigned and suggested weekly readings, the South University online library, the Internet readings, and references to search, evaluate, and retrieve relevant evidence-based public health literature. Then, use the evidence-based techniques learned so far and design a model, plan, or approach to tackle the public health problem, issue, situation, or concern you identified in Week 1 Project. While developing the plan, do the following: Use scientific evidence to assess or review the public health problem selected. Which information from research studies will be utilized in your assessment? Will you use: Etiologic studies Studies used to develop methods for measuring or modifying behavior Studies used to identify the factors that influence the behavior Studies used to determine whether public health interventions are successful in meeting their stated objectives for risk reduction Evaluate and identify which analytical tool(s) is most appropriate to apply or assess your public health problem. Of the different types of analytical tools, which will you use to assess your public health problem: Analytic tools for measuring intervention impact and effectiveness. For example, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, etc. Economic evaluation, a set of methods for comparing benefits and costs by using the cost-benefit analysis, cost-effective analysis, cost-utility analysis.  Analyze and list the necessary steps and procedures that would be appropriate to apply as you conduct a community assessment of your public health problem. Justify why a community assessment is necessary. Discuss the range of partnership or stakeholders that might be useful in conducting community assessments. Outline who in the community will be assessed, what to assess, and how to conduct assessments. Describe how to disseminate the community assessment findings. Submission Details: Write a 5-7-page, double-spaced paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_W2_Project.doc. By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area. NOTE: Use the same health condition you selected in week 1 “Lung and Bronchus Cancer” throughout the projects. Thanks


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