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Unit 3 | Operations Management homework help

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Unit 3 | Operations Management homework help ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Presentation to Propose a Team Approach The following Course Outcomes are assessed in this assignment: GB600-3: Propose a team approach to achieve long–term business outcomes. PC-1.2: Contribute to team goals and objectives through active participation and collaboration. For the Unit 3 PowerPoint assignment, select an organization of interest to you. This may be your current or former organization or perhaps one that is frequently in the news. Chapter 9 of the text (DuBrin, 2019) provides a framework for understanding the leader’s role in team-based organizations and differentiates between actions that can be taken at the organizational level, the leader level, and the individual level. In addition, Chapter 12 provides you with an opportunity to learn about your personal conflict resolution style. Checklist: Introduction section: Introduce the reason you are proposing a team approach by identifying the long-term business goal you desire to achieve through teamwork. Actions for the organization level: (see DuBrin text, Table 9-1) Identify which of the seven actions are appropriately established and which need to be revised or developed. Propose recommendations for policy and structure changes to better enable the successful deployment of a team approach. Actions at the leader level: (see DuBrin text, Table 9-1) Using the 12 actions that leaders can take as a model, identify three strengths that seem generally consistent among leaders in the organization and three opportunities for development. Propose recommendations for leader training and development to help the team approach succeed. Actions at the individual level: (see DuBrin text, ????????????) Using the Leadership ?????????, determine your personal conflict resolution style and summarize what indicates for team membership and leadership. Using the Leadership ????????, determine your team player attitudes and propose recommendations for how you will improve your ability to contribute to team goals and objectives through active participation and collaboration. Provide a conclusion that inspires a call to action and seeks sponsorship and support for your recommendations. Ensure substantive integration of appropriate, current, and reliable resources — including in-text citations throughout the notes with a corresponding item on the reference list. A minimum of two viable sources are required [no older than 3 years]. Presentation quality: Your presentation should be spell and grammar-checked and demonstrate correct mechanics and appropriate writing and presentation style. The use of a professional template, graphics, and Microsoft® SmartArt® are necessary to make it visually appealing. Ensure each slide is streamlined and easily viewed in a large setting. Order of presentation: Title slide Introduction Organizational Level: Established versus development needed Organizational Level: Recommendations Leader Level: 3 strength and 3 development opportunities Leader Level: Recommendations Individual Level: Personal Conflict Resolution Style Individual Level: Team player attitudes Call to action Final slide


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