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Theoretical frameworks and international ethical guidelines

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Theoretical frameworks and international ethical guidelines    Assessment 2: work OVERVIEW In this assessment you will write an work that builds on and draws from your knowledge about ethics – both the theoretical frameworks and international ethical guidelines. Studying moral philosophy and ethics allows us to explore our understandings of what is right and wrong, where these ideas come from and how they shape our moral judgements. In criminal justice contexts it is of utmost importance that you have an in-depth understanding of concepts and processes related to ethical decision making and that you have practiced and applied critical thinking skills to the dilemmas that you may face. In this assessment task you need to respond to the two prompts below. In the first section of the work you will make an informed case for studying ethics in criminal justice. Second, you will compare and contrast two theoretical perspectives we have studied (i.e. Divine Command Theory; Kantianism; Utilitarianism; Social Contract Theory). 1. Why study and understand ethics? (400 words) 2. Compare and contrast two theoretical perspectives (800 words) The unit learning outcome(s) assessed is/are: • LO 1; Demonstrate a foundational understanding of ethical frameworks and theories that underpin professional practice in criminal justice contexts; • LO 2; Apply the study of ethics to the practices and relations of criminal and social justice • LO 3; Apply ethical principles to ‘real life’ problems and issues in professional practice within the criminal justice system. LENGTH 1,200 words of management assignment help DUE DATE Session 8 (Wednesday 9th of March 11:59pm) INSTRUCTIONS Please submit to the Assessment Dropbox. Assessment Criteria and Submission  [Include link to Rubric and Dropbox] Content Evidence given to support viewpoint (examples and facts). Theory and appropriate evidence (examples) is used to support perspective.  10 Structure Topic of work is clearly introduced; Conclusion or resolution is provided after discussion and analysis. Word count is met ( /- 10%)  5 Application and Context Application and discussion of theories, frameworks and evidence as they relate to criminal justice settings and practice.  10 Writing Conventions Proper grammar spelling and punctuation as shown at business assignment help. Accurate in-text referencing– Harvard Style; Accurate reference list – Harvard Style; Direct quotes and paraphrasing are accurate and integrated appropriately.  5 Application (11 Marks) These data relate 10 students’ hours of sleep and their marks on their MDM test. Hours of Sleep 5 9 10 6 3 9 8 4 7 11 Test Marks (%) 62 70 79 58 90 77 74 33 68 78 a. Create a scatter plot for this data using the TI-84 .  b. Using the TI-84 , determine the correlation coefficient (4 decimals), and the equation of the line of  best fit (2 decimals).  /3A c. Classify the type of linear correlation you found in b). ______________________________________ /1A d. Identify the point that is the outlier. ____________________ /1A e. Repeat part b) with the outlier removed.  /3A f. How does removing the outlier improve the linear model?  /1A g. Do your results from above suggest that the student’s test mark depends on the number of hours a student sleeps? Explain. /2A Thinking (4 Marks) 1.  A student claims that listening to loud music helps her study. To defend her argument, she gathers the following results for four recent tests and her study habits. Test History English Math Science Volume of Music (Dial Setting) 0 1 2 1.5 Test Mark (%) 58 59 72 74 a. Does a linear regression analysis support the student’s claim? /2T b. Suggest two ways that the student could improve the validity of her study. /2T Communication (4 Marks)  1. Two sets of data are analysed for linear correlation. The correlation coefficient for Data Set A is – 0.7, while the correlation coefficient for Data Set B is 0.5.  a) Which Data Set, A or B, shows a positive linear correlation? Classify the strength of this relationship. /2C b) Which Data Set, A or B, exhibits a stronger linear correlation? Explain. /2C Experiment title: Your Name: Date: Course/Section


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