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Theo 104 quiz 1 | Architecture and Design homework help THEO 104 QUIZ 1 Question 1  1. The word theology come from the words theos meaning ______ and logos, meaning ______.   Knowledge, Love   God, Love   God, Words   Knowledge, Words 2 points    Question 2  1. Which of the following is not one of the four types of theology?   Biblical   Spiritual   Philosophical   Historical 2 points    Question 3  1. Correctly understood, our theological views affect our relationship(s) with ________.    God   Others   Ourselves   Creation    All of the above  2 points    Question 4  1. Theology does not have a practical application to our lives.  True   False  2 points    Question 5  1. Biblical theology is the study of God from the use of reason and revelation of God from his world.  True   False  2 points    Question 6  1. _______ is the word that is used to indicate that God is knowable.   Understanding   Transcendence   Revelation   Love 2 points    Question 7  1. Jesus is __________.   equal to the Father   the only way to salvation   the image of the invisible God   all of the above   both B and C 2 points    Question 8  1. General revelation by itself provides enough information for a person to be saved.  True   False  2 points    Question 9  1. According to John 14:6, Jesus is the only way to obtain salvation.  True   False  2 points    Question 10  1. General Revelation, also known as Natural Revelation, is available to all and does not require a special event or special individual to receive that revelation.  True   False  2 points    Question 11  1. Which of the following is not one of three main sections of the Old Testament discussed in the textbook?   The Law   Books of Poetry   Books of History   Books of the Prophets 2 points    Question 12  1. The word Testament in reference to Scripture means “covenant.”  True   False  2 points    Question 13  1. There is evidence that the canon of the Old Testament was accepted just 100 years after the final book was written.   True   False  2 points    Question 14  1. The Old Testament Canon is more highly debated than the New Testament Canon.   True   False  2 points    Question 15  1. Which of the following is not one of the “lost gospels”?   the gospel of Thomas   the gospel of Mary Magdalene   the gospel of Paul   the gospel of Judas 2 points    Question 16  1. The Bible affirms the both human authors and a divine author wrote the Bible.  True   False  2 points    Question 17  1. The theory that teaches that God dictated the words of Scripture much like a boss would dictate a letter to a secretary is known as ________.   Illumination Theory   Intuition Theory   Inspiration Theory   None of the above 2 points    Question 18  1. God simply dictated the words of Scripture to the human authors without preserving the unique personalities of the authors.   True   False  2 points    Question 19  1. The Conceptual Inspiration Theory argues that only certain parts of the Bible are inspired.  True   False  2 points    Question 20  1. Which of the following is not one of the three implications that Millard Erickson considers concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.   Theological importance   Historical importance   Biblical importance   Epistemological importance 2 points    Question 21  1. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believer regarding the interpretation and application of Scripture is known as ________.    inspiration   inerrancy   illumination   infallibility 2 points    Question 22  1. Textual criticism is a field of study that focuses on various aspects of manuscript evidence.  True   False  2 points    Question 23  1. Illumination has to do with how the Holy Spirit assists readers in understanding how the Bible points to the person and work of Jesus.  True   False  2 points    Question 24  1. One important consideration with regard to the authority of the Bible has to do with the working of the Holy Spirit.  True   False  2 points    Question 25  1. General revelation is not enough to bring someone to salvation.   True   False 


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