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The technical aspects, re-envision your review as a film analysis.

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The technical aspects, re-envision your review as a film analysis. Return to the film you reviewed in your Introductory Film Review assignment for the first week of the semester.  Now that you have learned much in regards to the technical aspects, re-envision your review as a film analysis.  Provide a detailed exploration of the film technique and base your claims upon evidence presented in the film and based upon the knowledge you have gained through this course.  Place particular focus on a three techniques that we covered in the film.  This includes: production design/art direction, cinematography, sound, editing, acting, genre, producing, screenwriting, and directing.  Your final film analysis should be elevated in its writing and analysis from the first review.  This should not be a re-submission of the first film review with minor adjustments. This is not a review of the film, but an analysis of the technique.  You should use proper terminology when analyzing the technique.  Engaging with the readings and lecture material is expected in your analysis of the technique.  Use the screening notes, lecture notes, and reading notes as your guide for the analysis.       Week 1: Introductory Film Review When making a meal it has so many ingredients that make the meal. Just like a good movie it has so many components. And for my introductory movie I would be reviewing the movie called “The Help that was directed by Tate Taylor. The story took place during the 1960s in Southern Mississippi. When a girl named Skeeter which is played by Emma Stone did an interview with a Black woman who spent their entire live catering for prominent white families. And the first person to talk with her is Aibileen which was played by Viola Davis. And the focus was how maids during the Civil Rights Movements in 1963. Also, how African Americans at the time were fighting to end segregation. So, this movie was written and directed by Tate Taylor. It is a comedy-drama film. It was based on a book written by Kathryn Stockett’s in 2009. It was set in the backdrop of 1960s in Mississippi. Where Skeeter was inspired to write a book based on all the viewpoints of the black maids. The movie has album features from artist like Mary J. Blige, Johnny Cas and June Cater. Just to name a few names. This movie has multiple awards, and I did learn a lot from the movie. And it sad how Black people were treated in the 1960s. Even though we still see a little of that now in 2022. But I did learn a lot from this movie.   I need a film analysis done on the above 


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