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Spoken discourse analysis ¦ 2022 Best answer

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Spoken discourse analysis ¦ 2022 Best answer Spoken discourse analysis. Select a one minute conversation from the audio source. Transcribe the spoken data using a transcription key. Analyze the spoken data using two different frameworks (Conversation Analysis, Pragmatics) Spoken discourse analysis 1.Complete one 2,500-word assessment (10% over or under the word limit is allowed)(does not include references and appendixes) 2.Select a one minute conversation from the audio source 3.Transcribe the spoken data using a transcription key 4.Analyze the spoken data using two different frameworks (Conversation Analysis, Pragmatics) 5.Critically evaluate the use of different approaches for discourse analysis with reference to academic reliable peer reviewed literature (where appropriate) WRITING TIPS: Source of the conversation: Look for one minute where there’ s sth. interesting to talk about but also depends on what approaches you are going to take(can be more than one or two or ten seconds) 1.First paragraph your should explain why you chose the section that you did and why you chose the two approaches. 2.The analysis should be explained in the main body of the assessment,with examples from the analysis given to back up claims made about the discourse. The main body should be 2,500 words (10% over/ under the word limit is allowed). 1)No need to explain the definition of the approaches, jumped immediately to the analysis. 2)For each claim that you make, you should include evidence such as examples from the analysis. When you include examples,include the turn no./move letter/transcription. 3)Analysis using the two approaches should be roughly equal. 3.Critically evaluate the discourse analysis approaches you used with reference to academic literature (where appropriate). (Talk about the strength and weakness, don’t say one is better than other,or don’t say one is bad and the other is good . Depend on your research question. And remember the four things: validity, reliability, systematic and based on a belief of language.(more systematic or more reliable) 4.The transcription, transcription key and the coded discourse analysis should be presented in the appendix. 5.You MUST cite all sources used and paraphrase from sources or directly quote. Notes from the professor: 1.think about what your research questions are and the purpose in terms of how detailed you need the transcription to be. 2.If you are doing your own research project. You need to decide what you’re going to put in your transcription to make these decisions. Here are some methods that you should do: 1)Listen to the data: work out. What do you think is significant and interesting to analyze; 2)What kind of transcription key which includes verbal and non-verbal information that allows you to do that analysis and explain to the reader how you did the transcription and justify it in relation to the research questions you have asked, the assignment that you have been given.[Conversation analysis needs really detailed transcription(even to the micro second pauses) and that’s because the research questions the conversation analysis are asking.] 3.transcription is part of the spoken discourse analysis. What you choose to transcribe is the beginning of your analysis. Very important. Advice: 1.Be aware of the tension between readability, accuracy, and flexibility of your transcription key. The more readable, it is the less accurate. It is a representation of the real conversation. The more accurate it is, the less readable. 2.Remember the four principles that we talk about: Validity, Reliability(high difficulty of the reliability.People who are doing conversation analysis are trained over years to be able to do very accurate transcription analysis because skill needs months, but not years to develop), Systematic, Based on the belief of language. 3.Be aware that the fact that the aspects of context need to be explained to the reader to understand your transcription as well as just doing the transcription. 4.Transcription needs to do again and again because in real conversation, people speak very fast, they interrupt each other and overlap on each other. They’re stressing certain things, and their intonation is going up and down. So it’s challenging. Assessment criteria: A good submission for the assignment on the course would demonstrate that 1.accurately analyze the spoken data using the chosen two approaches; 2.make valid claims about the spoken data on the basis of the analysis(evidence);(when it is necessary, take into the account the context which the discourse is in) 3.critically evaluate the two discourse analysis approaches used with reference to literature; 4.Students display excellent communication skills in areas such as grammar,vocabulary, oral and aural competencies. 5.You should also explain clearly how you carried out each analysis, explaining where you had difficulties making coding decisions and how you overcame these difficulties. 6.You should also have a clearly presented appendix section showing the analysis that you did. 7.clearly present the transcription, transcription key and analysis in the appendix; your ideas in a well-structured manner,in an appropriate tone, free of language errors, and NO PLAGIARISM Attachments Click Here To Download


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