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Research on how Optical Fiber is used in imaging and telecommunication | Best Answer 2022

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Research on how Optical Fiber is used in imaging and telecommunication | Best Answer 2022 Below is research on how Optical Fiber is used in imaging and telecommunication. Optical fiber is a thin strand of material that transmits light through a process called total internal reflection, which means that the light bounces along the core of the fiber between two layers of plastic with different indexes of refraction. The index of refraction refers to how much light bends when it passes from one material into another. If you’ve ever seen an image projected on a wall by a slide projector, then you already understand this concept: Light hits the wall and reflects back down toward your eyes instead of continuing forward in its original path as it would in air or water. Research on how Optical Fiber is used in imaging and telecommunication Introduction Optical fiber is a medium used to transmit light between the two ends of the fiber and finds wide usage in fiber-optic communications, where they permit transmission over longer distances and at higher bandwidths (data rates) than electrical cables. Optical fibers consist of an inner core surrounded by a cladding layer, with a reflective layer on top. The refractive index of these materials creates confinement zones (light rays) that prevent the ray from escaping outwards or back into the medium. This allows the light to remain within a core for long distances without being absorbed or scattered.[1] [2] The optical properties of various types of glass were investigated in 1800 by Sir David Brewster who created lenses from flint glass and proved that light can be focused using lenses made from this material.[3] Identify two everyday examples of Optical Fiber use. -Optical fibers are used in telecommunications to transmit light signals over long distances. Optical fibers are used in telecommunications to transmit light signals over long distances. The optical fiber is a flexible strand of glass that guides light along its length. The core of the fiber is made from pure glass, and the cladding is usually made from a different material, such as plastic(Notes, 2022). Optical fibers are used in a wide range of applications including telecommunications networks, medical imaging systems, and lasers. They are also used for sensing applications such as temperature sensing, chemical sensing, and strain sensing. -They are also used in medicine, for example as a means of providing an image of the inside of a person’s body. Doctors use optical fibers to provide images of internal parts of a person’s body (such as their heart or brain). This helps doctors diagnose and treat medical problems more accurately than using X-rays, ultrasound, or other techniques. Optical fiber is used in imaging to transmit an image from one place to another. The image is converted into electrical signals and then encoded onto light pulses. The pulses are transmitted through the optical fiber. The receiver reads the signal and converts it back into an image. The most common uses of optical fibers are in endoscopy, where a light source and camera are attached to a long flexible tube; in laparoscopy, where a small camera is inserted into the body through a small incision; and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), which uses ultrasonic waves to create images of blood flowing through arteries and veins. Conclusion Optical fibers are used in many applications and are widely used in telecommunications. They are also used for long-distance communications in the fields of data transmission and telecommunication. Optical fiber is a popular choice for carrying light through hollow core glass or plastic tubes for long-distance communications because of its advantages over electrical cables: it can transmit data over longer distances with less signal loss than copper wires; it doesn’t generate radio frequency interference like radio waves do; it’s immune to electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by power lines or other sources that might disturb electrical signals traveling along metal wires, and because they’re made of glass or plastic instead of copper they’re much easier to install under the ground without digging holes! Reference Notes, E. (2022) Optical Fibre Communication: Telecommunications, Electronics Notes. Electronics notes. Available at: Related Article: Community Violence in Urban Areas


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