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Relationship between people, risk, and security ¦ Best answer 2022

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Relationship between people, risk, and security ¦ Best answer 2022 This assignment is designed to allow the student to grapple with the relationship between people, risk, and security. The paper is focused on an industry to give a larger scope to the analysis and allow for a broader look at human resource management Relationship between people, risk, and security Overview This assignment is designed to allow the student to grapple with the relationship between people, risk, and security. The paper is focused on an industry to give a larger scope to the analysis and allow for a broader look at human resource management as it relates to that industry. Each industry deals with different types of risk, so choosing an industry to consider broadens the aperture from items within a particular organization to now a grouping of organizations in a particular field. This risk management plan allows the student to consider governance, helping raise the discussion to a more strategic level. It also should help the student understand the limitations to their own planning ability at this scale, allowing for specific gaps to be identified, especially as they relate to people within the chosen industry. No planning is perfect, and being able to identify gaps is essential to understanding risk management. Instructions The student will write a paper that focuses on the relationship between people, risk, and security. Specifically, the student will choose a particular industry to analyze, build a risk management plan, and evaluate the effectiveness of that plan as it pertains to that industry’s human resources. 7-page length requirement, which should include an abstract of 150-250 words; Excluded from this length is the title page and reference section; APA formatted; 5 references are required in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible; Acceptable sources include scholarly articles published within the last five years. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. This assignment is designed to allow the student to grapple with the relationship between people, risk, and security. The paper is focused on an industry to give a larger scope to the analysis and allow for a broader look at human resource management as it relates to that industry. The purpose of this paper is to identify how human resources are managed in that industry and how those management efforts impact their effectiveness in mitigating risk. This assignment will be graded on four criteria: 1) Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement should be clearly stated and directly address the prompt. It also should be written according to APA format guidelines. 2) Literature Review: This section should include a thorough review of literature from both academic journals (at least three articles) and trade journals (at least two articles). These articles should address issues related to your topic area and provide insight that could not be obtained through casual research or personal experience. You may also choose to include information on current events relating to your topic area if appropriate. References must be cited using APA format guidelines. 3) Analysis/Evaluation of Information: This section should use information gathered from your research along with your own knowledge base to provide an analysis and evaluation of the issue at hand. You should consider what is currently known about the topic, possible solutions that have been proposed by others, and any limitations in current research. 4) Conclusions: This section should include a summary of your analysis, along with any conclusions that you draw from it. You may also want to suggest possible avenues for future research if appropriate. 5) References: You should provide a list of all sources you used in writing your paper, along with page numbers where they can be found. 6) Tables and Figures: If you use any tables or figures in your paper, you should include them in this section. 7) Appendices: If needed, appendices can be used for additional information such as data sets or survey questions. 8) Conclusion: This section should include a summary of your analysis, along with any conclusions that you draw from it. You may also want to suggest possible avenues for future research if appropriate. 9) References: You should provide a list of all sources you used in writing your paper, along with page numbers where they can be found. 10) Tables and Figures: If you use any tables or figures in your paper, you should include them in this section. 11) Acknowledgements: You may want to include acknowledgements at the end of your paper for any help you received with the research or writing process. 12) Appendix: If needed, appendices can be used for additional information such as data sets or survey questions. 13) References: You should provide a list of all sources you used in writing your paper, along with page numbers where they can be found. 14) Abstract: The abstract provides a brief overview of your paper, including the major points and your thesis statement. 15) Introduction: The introduction should set the stage for your research, explain why your topic is important, and give a brief summary of your thesis statement. 16) Literature Review: A literature review provides an overview of previous research on your topic, including both published sources and any unpublished work that may be relevant. Related artcle: Change Innovation Experimentation and Risk   Attachments Click Here To Download


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