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Reading and writing seminar | Article writing homework help

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Reading and writing seminar | Article writing homework help   Your Assignment Please review the following exercises and answer the following questions. 1. Alan Greenspan Speech. Please review Alan Greenspan’s 1999 Harvard Commencement Address (the speech can also be found here), and answer the following question. Do you think Greenspan is being realistic or naive about the possibility of business ethics? Important: You should consider Greenspan’s argument on the “value added” of honesty and integrity.  What does Greenspan mean when saying that companies add it their balance sheets? You are not obligated to agree with Mr. Greenspan, but you are expected to consider his point of view, state a clear opinion, and support that opinion with convincing arguments. 2. In-depth Assignment – Please choose one of the following assignments: Option A.  Shattered Glass Film This film is available on Netflix DVD, Amazon (where it can be purchased cheaply or rented via Amazon instant video), and likely at your local library, as well as other online movie providers.  After watching the film, please answer the following questions. 2a. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being excellent), how do you rate the film? Explain your answer. 2b. In what ways were Stephen Glass (as depicted in the film) a “flawed person?” How could he have corrected or compensated for those flaws? Option B.  Iowa Supreme Court case Please read this decision by the Iowa Supreme Court in an attorney discipline case.  Questions:  2a. Isn’t plagiarism a “victimless crime?” Why should judges care if attorneys submit plagiarized legal briefs or motions? Please explain your answer. 2b. Attorney Peter Cannon was punished by the court and by the attorney disciplinary board. Do you think these punishments (taken as a whole) were too lenient, too severe, or about right? Please explain your answer. 2c. The Iowa Supreme Court referred to another case involving attorney plagiarism (Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics


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