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Read and answer the following questions:   WEEK 4 HOMEWORK (based on your week 4 assignment, Chapters 4 and 5) Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. What nation is the most affluent highest Gross National Income) on the planet? What are the two main ways the government distributes or redistributes wealth? Which two occupations did the Social Security Act bar from participation? What were at least three benefits of the G.I. Bill? Is it the case the “poor whites possess more wealth that well-off blacks? Beginning on page 135, list three institutional practices that contribute to today’s wealth disparities. Because of the foreclosure crisis, how much of their wealth did Latinx (Hispanic) families lose? How did deindustrialization contribute to the U.S. poverty rate? Define that term. Has Indian gaming moved most tribes out of poverty? Why or why not? What is an ethnic enclave? Give two examples described in your text. Why do some West Indian (Caribbean) immigrant parents teach their kids accents? In Devah Pager’s experiment, who is more likely to get a call-back, whites with a criminal record or African Americans with no criminal record? List four reasons African American and Latino women are more likely to return to collecting welfare than their white counterparts? How did U.S. neighborhoods become “racialized”? What was the makeup of Detroit’s housing units in 1947? Who was Robert Moses and what did he do in New York to affect housing? What is blockbusting? Are most U.S. neighborhoods still segregated or have they been successfully integrated? Which race/ethnic group is more likely to live in segregated neighborhoods: whites, blacks, Latinos or Asians? Which practices do realtors use to keep neighborhoods segregated? What about banks? How is the performance of children in school affected by their living in segregated environments? What is a colonia? What factors contribute to Native Americans’ living on reservations high risk of contracting cancer, diabetes, lung disease, and giving birth to babies with defects? Where is Cancer Alley and why is it so named?


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