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Public speaking week2 | Management homework help

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Public speaking week2 | Management homework help   Directions Think about a persuasive speech that you would like to present on a topic of your choice. The speech can be for any context and any length, but it must be persuasive. See the list of example speech occasions and purposes for inspiration, if needed. Plan your speech, considering what your introduction, main points, and conclusion will include. Organize your speech, following the structure of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. Your speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should contain your key message. The body should cover your main topics and support to back up your main points. Make sure that all support is relevant and from credible sources. Your conclusion should summarize your main points and provide a call to action. Create notes or bullet points that you can refer to while presenting your speech. Practice presenting your speech. Aim for a speech that is 3 to 5 minutes in length. Before filming, review the rubric to ensure that you understand how you will be evaluated. Film yourself presenting the speech. Be sure that you can be easily seen and heard, and direct your speech to the camera. Review your video to ensure that you can be seen and heard. Refilm as needed. Review the checklist and requirements to ensure that your Touchstone is complete. Upload your video using the blue button at the top of this page. Touchstone Support Videos Organizing your Persuasive SpeechPersuading your AudienceChoosing the Right LanguageOvercoming Public Speaking Anxiety Speech Occasions Personal Academic Presenting academic work (argumentative paper, research, or report) Academic speech and debate Community Speech at a community gathering (PTA meeting, boy/girl scout convention, town hall, homeowner’s association, athletic league, school board meeting, etc.) Community action speech (asking for something, promoting a policy, etc.) Political speech (on behalf of a candidate, yourself as candidate, etc.) Business Presenting to colleagues or peers (pitching ideas, etc.) Presenting to superiors (project proposal) Convention presentation (pitching new products, rally speech, teachable moments, etc.) Submission checklist _ I have selected a speech purpose that is persuasive._ My speech follows the structure of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence._ My speech has an introduction, body, and conclusion._ The introduction includes my key message (thesis)._ The body includes my main points and support._ I have selected sources that are credible and support that is relevant._ I have used language that is appropriate to my audience._ The conclusion summarizes my main points and includes a call to action._ I have filmed a video of myself presenting my speech._ The video of my speech is 3 to 5 minutes in length._ I have reviewed the video and I can be easily heard and seen._ I have adhered to all of the requirements._ I have read through the rubric and I understand how my Touchstone will be evaluated. Requirements All video content must be appropriate for an academic context Speech must be original and written for this assignment; plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited Video is 3 to 5 minutes in length Your video submission should include your name and the date


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