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Psychology | Psychology homework help

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Psychology | Psychology homework help Specific guidelines: The purpose of choosing this book with related personal experiences Discuss some of the new things you learned, e.g., alternate ways to perceive or approach difficult situations as discussed in the book. Relate your personal experiences/problems/goals, etc., to various concepts or discussions in the book. Relate the book’s content to the purpose of our course, which is the psychology of personal adjustment. Reflect your views, opinions, and judgments, inspirational and motivational things from this book. These opinions and points will be very much your own. (You must NOT copy-paste points about the text from the internet/book reviews etc., which will be plagiarism. Paper will be reviewed through turn-it-in to detect any plagiarism) AVOID QUOTING a lot directly from the book; I want to hear your understanding after reading the book. Do not rewrite excerpts directly from the book. Instead, reframe the concepts/discussions from the book and then back it up with personal experience. Therefore, each paragraph may consist of a concept from the book followed by personal experience. Your paper should contain 50% of what the book states (reframing and paraphrasing of ideas), and the rest 50% should be your reflections or personal understanding and application of the content of those concepts. How does the book help you apply some strengths, techniques, strategies, or ways to deal with your current personal / adjustment-related problems? It enhances your perspective on looking at things differently and positively. Have you already begun applying some aspects of the book to your personal adjustment after reading it? How? Discuss your feelings about it. Create your detailed plan (goal planning) to achieve the goals related to this topic. You can add a 1-2 pages worksheet/schedule/ things to do/steps to change your old habits and plan new healthy patterns of approaching the issue based on your learning from this book as a supplement and a 4-page requirement. Lastly, did you like working on this assignment? In what ways has it benefited you?


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