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psych 665 research multimedia activity

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psych 665 research multimedia activity   Research Multimedia Activity       Complete the Research multimedia activity.       Take a screenshot of your results page and upload the PDF to your Assignment Files tab        1: Match the Individual with the Seminal Study                    Rene Decartes               Charles Darwin               Wilheim Wundt               Edward Lee Thorndike               Ivan Pavlov               John B. Watson               BF Skinner               Sigmund Freud               Carl Jung               Alfred Binet    2: Match the Individual with the Seminal Study                    James Cattell               Frances Galton               Lewis Terman               Clark Hull               Arnold Gesell               Henry Murray               Jean Piaget               Gordon Allport               Erik Erikson        3: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted a combination of observation and Experimental Research?   4: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted philosophical research?   5: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted observational research?   6: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted introspective research?   7: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted experimental research?   8: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted theoretical research?   9: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted testing research?   10: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted statistical research?   11: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted longitudinal research?   12: Which of the following researcher(s) conducted lexical analysis research?        13: Dr. Jones is a practicing clinical psychologist who is videotaping and coding counseling sessions of the students in his practicum class to evaluate their counseling skills and help them improve.   14:Dr. Daal wants to identify the best of two final exams to give to his introductory biology students. He will give one exam to his Monday class and the second exam to his Thursday class, then using SPSS he will analyze the two exams to identify which one to continue using in the future.   15: Ms. Harte is examining the effects of a new plagiarism prevention program at the university. Seven introductory courses will include the new program, while the rest continue with the standard curriculum. For the next five classes, the papers of the students who participated in the new program will be compared to those who did not have the new program to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.   16:Dr. Soon is examining how noise affects concentration. She randomly assigns half of the college freshman who volunteer for the study to work on a computerized reaction time test in a room with an open window that overlooks a busy street with high traffic. The other half of the volunteers perform the same task in a very quiet room with no windows.   17: Dr. Aper wants to examine the effects of alien abduction on academic performance. The academic records of thirty students who self-identify as having been abducted are compared to the academic records of the students who were not abducted.  


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