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Ntroduction as in the first assignment, imagine that you are now a

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Ntroduction as in the first assignment, imagine that you are now a   ntroduction As in the first assignment, imagine that you are now a professional psychologist, working in the education (preschoolers)  that you aspire to. You are charged with creating professional development for an interdisciplinary team of professionals in your workplace, on how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices of cognitive and affective psychology can be used to help people in your work context. In this unit you will create a PowerPoint presentation focused on these topics: Memory Models and Processes. Knowledge Representation, Organization, and Manipulation. Language. Assignment Instructions ** Template Provided  As in the previous assignment, links for guidance in PowerPoint basics and design are in the resources. The same design recommendations apply. If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact Disability Services to request accommodations. Remember, your presentation is for an interdisciplinary team, so it will be important to communicate in a manner that can understood by a those not trained in psychology.  Title slide: On the first slide of the PowerPoint:  Enter a descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.  Professional Development for [enter the type of institutional context your presentation is designed for.] Your name. Your Specialization. Course number and title. Capella University. Instructor’s name. Note: If this presentation was made in an actual professional context, the entries under your name would be replaced by your job title, the name of your organization and perhaps your contact information. Topic Introduction slides: Each of the three topics will be presented in a separate section that begins with a slide naming the topic and concisely introduces it.  Application slides: Use one or more slides to explain how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices related to the topic can be used to explain behavior and help people. Remember, these factors should be relevant to the context your presentation is designed for. For each of these:  Analyze how, and to what extent, brain physiology and/or neuroscience can provide explanation of relevant phenomena. Analyze how affect may impact cognitive performance in these areas. Describe ethical issues that might arise in in connection to at least one of the topics in your presentation.   Cite the APA Code of Ethics, or another code of ethics if it is more relevant to your area. Analyze how theories and principles related to at least one of the topics in your presentation apply to culturally diverse populations. Conclusion slide: End with a succinct statement that sums up the utility of what you have presented.  References slide(s): Use current APA (6th edition) style and formatting guidelines.  Assignment Requirements: Written and visual communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA: Use current APA (6th edition) style and formatting guidelines as they apply to this assignment.


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