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Network protocol | Computer Science homework help

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Network protocol | Computer Science homework help Question one : Imagine you are listening to a favorite podcast via streamed audio. In the middle of a critical monologue, unbeknownst to you, there is a data loss in the information stream. Fortunately the network protocol goes to action to fix this problem. All you have noticed is that audio quality is lower, but fortunately the streaming continues without a hiccup in sound or story. While lower-quality sound is clearly not optimal, most listeners would prefer continued streaming than a pause or gap in audio. This is one of many problem scenarios that network professionals must consider when choosing transaction types. To complete this Focused Debate: Post: Submit a 500 word initial post in which you discuss whether an application should use UDP or TCP when streaming stored audio. In your post, support your position by citing which protocol is used by popular streaming services such as Netflix, Microsoft, YouTube, etc. Question two: if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. ?Sun Tzu, The Art of War Internet session hijacking happens at the speed of light. Given its critical protocol role in networks, TCP is particularly susceptible to hijacking intruders seeking unauthorised access. With increasing malicious Internet attacks on the rise, can TCP hijacking be prevented? Fortunately, if you understand how TCP hijacking is executed, you can implement effective defences to prevent hackers from entering. In this Discussion, you will consider possible security measures. To complete this Discussion: Post: Submit an initial post that shares your own research findings on TCP hijacking, how it is accomplished and common defences and prevention measures. List common defences against TCP hijacking and describe the steps network professionals can take to prevent intruders seeking unauthorised access.   1- No copy and paste 2- harvard refrencing should be used 


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