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Lesson 4: The DBA in the Business World

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Lesson 4: The DBA in the Business World Lesson 4: The DBA in the Business World The DBA, as a business degree option, has become a powerful tool in the business environment as it helps the holders of that degree, to look beyond daily business and identify, research, and the understanding of best business practices to solve complex business problems. It incorporates an advanced business skill set that is not taught in an MBA program. The DBA fits the needs of a global business environment and non-profit sector as well. This multidisciplinary degree is applicable across all industries. Like the PhD, the holder of a DBA fills a research and problem solver role. The critical difference is the holder of the DBA is focused on being a problem solver instead of a knowledge finder. The DBA is, as the name states, a doctor of business administration. The goal of this professional degree is to diagnose a problem and fix the problem, often through research. The DBA is tasked with identifying problems within a business and coming up with solutions to resolve those problems.   DBAs are well suited for senior and C-level roles. The DBA program provides a skill set that is not a part of an MBA program. The skill set of problem solver, alongside the ability to make a system-wide change, makes the C-level DBA a powerful commodity. DBAs frequently work at think tanks where they have the ability to study problems in depth and propose radical, yet effective solutions. Consultants with a DBA have a broader range of tools that can be used to provide services for other companies. Guides   Microsoft PowerPoint Guide: Articles • Why a Doctorate in Business Administration is Becoming More Valuable Harvard Business Review. (2022, August 9). Why a doctorate in business administration is becoming more valuable. Harvard Business Review. • Professional Doctorates in Management: Toward a Practice-Based Approach to Doctoral Education • Academic and Social Integration: Psychosocial Support and the Role of Developmental Networks in the DBA. • FUTURE PROGRESSIVE: THE NEED FOR A PROFESSIONAL DOCTORATE – AN INTERNATIONAL DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION • The Absence of Teaching how to Teach During the Business Management PhD Programme: A Call to Action   • Assignment 4: Develop a PowerPoint to Explain the Role of the DBA in the Business World Instructions Assume you are the hiring manager at a company that is having some business struggles. You have been tasked with solving these issues through strategic hiring practices. You would like to share the value of hiring DBAs for key company roles.   Develop a PowerPoint presentation that explains the value of a DBA in your company. Explain what the DBA is and the difference between a DBA and PhD in the workplace.   Add audio using the media function in PowerPoint to record your presentation. The user guide for PowerPoint is found in the LibGuide (Lesson 4 Resources) via the Course Resources tab located in the top menu alongside other quick links (i.e., Dropbox, Grades, Bookshelf, etc.).     Length:  7-10 slides. Each slide should have notes of 75-150 words in the notes area. Record your presentation using the Record function in PowerPoint.    References:  A minimum of 4 peer-reviewed journals/articles.   Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards  


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