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Lab report please see the attachment

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Lab report please see the attachment    1. On your local computer, create a new document. You will use this document as your Lab Report. 2. Review the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure.( User, Workstation, Local Area Network (LAN), Local Area Network-to-Wide Area Network (LAN-to-WAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Remote Access, and System/Application) 3. In your Lab Report file, describe how risk can impact each of the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure: User, Workstation, Local Area Network (LAN), Local Area Network-to-Wide Area Network (LAN-to-WAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Remote Access, and System/Application domains.    Risks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities Primary Domain Impacted   Unauthorized access from public Internet   Hacker penetrates IT infrastructure and gains access to your internal   network   Communication circuit outages   Workstation operating system (OS) has a known software vulnerability   Denial of service attack on organization’s e-mail server   Remote communications from home office   Workstation browser has software vulnerability   Weak ingress/egress traffic-filtering degrades performance   Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) access points are needed for LAN connectivity within a warehouse   Need to prevent rogue users from unauthorized WLAN access   User destroys data in application, deletes all les, and gains access to internal network   Fire destroys primary data center   Intraoffice employee romance gone bad   Loss of production data server   Unauthorized access to organization-owned workstations   LAN server OS has a known software vulnerability   User downloads an unknown e-mail attachment   Service provider has a major network outage   User inserts CDs and USB hard drives with personal photos, music, and videos on organization-owned computers   Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunneling between the remote computer and ingress/egress router     4. Review the left-hand column of the following table of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities that were found in a health care IT infrastructure servicing patients with life-threatening conditions: Note: Some risks will affect multiple IT domains. In fact, in real-world environments, risks and their direct consequences will most likely span across several domains. This is a big reason to implement controls in more than one domain to mitigate those risks. However, for the exercise in step 6 that follows, consider and select only the domain that would be most affected. Subsequent next steps in the real world include selecting, implementing, and testing controls to minimize or eliminate those risks. Remember that a risk can be responded to in one of four ways: accept it, treat it (minimize it), avoid it, or transfer it (for example, outsource or insurance). 5. In your Lab Report le, complete the table from the previous step by identifying which of the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure will be most impacted by each item in the table’s left-hand column and explain why.


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