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Increase in social and cultural complexity ¦ 2022 Best answer

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Increase in social and cultural complexity ¦ 2022 Best answer Write a summary of the gradual increase in social and cultural complexity during the Jōmon, Yayoi, Tomb, and Asuka periods. Make sure that 1) you identify what the main innovations of each period are, Increase in social and cultural complexity Write a summary of the gradual increase in social and cultural complexity during the Jōmon, Yayoi, Tomb, and Asuka periods. Make sure that 1) you identify what the main innovations of each period are. 2) you explain how new forms of technology and culture relate to each other. 3) you acknowledge how contacts with the outside of the Japanese archipelago influenced and shaped changes within. Trends and Prospects in Growing Sociocultural Complexity Abstract Modern culture demonstrates increasing complexity. Today, complexity is beginning to be envisioned as a modernity’s immanent quality, a source both of uncertainty and of hidden opportunities for cultural development. This article outlines the socio-cultural features of increasing complexity. Modern culture does not promote stability, but, on the contrary, multiplies differences and becomes a kind of differentiation flow. From being a system of sustainable, vitally important forms of human activity, culture is transformed into a kaleidoscope of individual experiences against the background of network structures and technosocial systems that exist according to their own logic. Permeating all cultural forms, complexity becomes sometimes a source for the emergent new cultural practices, sometimes a source of chronic anxiety caused by the inability to `master’ socio-cultural transformation. Main Text 1. Introduction Modernity is often described through neologisms. Postmodernism was especially prolific in this respect, constructing a multitude of new words and vastly extending the meaning of the old ones. Familiar classical philosophical and scientific concepts are actively reused with such prefixes as `un’, `trans’ and, of course, `post’. Postindustrialism, postmodernism, transhumanism: this is far from a complete list of concepts proposed to describe contemporary age. Even the prefix `neo’ used in conjunction with our era points not to it creative re-imagining, but rather to something blown out of proportions; it is often used negatively to describe something that is new but degraded compared to an original. As a result, despite the visible technical achievements, modernity becomes associated with simplification and degradation. Throughout the XXth century, we encounter a wide variety of models of regressive social development. A multitude of negative definitions used to describe modernity can’t but look suspicious: `crisis of meaning’ (E.Husserl), `death of man’ (E.Fromm), `end of history’ (F.Fukuyama), `age of homelesness’, `age of emptiness’ (G.Lipovetsky), `dissolution of man’ (M.Foucault). It seems that our present does not create any positive connotations. Since the works of O.Spengler and K.N.Leontyev, our society has been diagnosed as moving “towards the loss of qualitative diversity and to cultural flattening (simplification)” [2, p. 75]. Fiction, together with modern cinema, actively sublimates an idea of the `end of times’, perceiving it as a chance to challenge the burden of civilization and to return to more simple and transparent existence. 2. The Transformation of Culture Culture is not a simple homogeneous reality: it reflects the multifaceted character of human life and the complexity of human nature. Yuri Lotman wrote in one of his works that “one of the main functions of culture is to resist entropy” [3, p. 85). The literal meaning of the Greek word `entropy’ is, of course, `turn’ or `transformation’. The concept of `entropy’ in thermodynamics proves that matter is inherently geared towards the destruction of any kind of order. The discovery of entropy opened a vast scientific and philosophical field of research regarding the dialectical struggle between the two tendencies exhibited by complex structure: to submit to entropy and to form stable structures. Attachments Click Here To Download


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