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In the resources section of blackboard

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In the resources section of blackboard        INTRODUCTION: In the Resources section of Blackboard, there are links for installing Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition, and for downloading the data files you need for this course. Do those two things first before starting on this lab assignment. (Note: you can also use Visual Basic 2010 from Visual Studio 2010 for these assignments, although the interface might be slightly different.) ASSIGNMENT: 1) Exercise 9, steps b and c, on page 298-299 of the lab textbook, “Clearly Visual Basic”, at the end of Chapter 16. You will use the experience you have gained so far in this class to create an application. Create the application as instructed, and make the following changes: a. Enlarge your form if necessary. In the bottom center area of the form, add a label with the Text property, Designed by, followed by your name. b. Add a button between the Calculate and Exit buttons, with the text “Clear”, and code it to clear the two input text boxes and the output labels. c. Put five comment lines at the top of the code page, listing:‘Project Name: Water Bill Project ‘Class: CINS 113-nn [section number] ‘Programmer: [your name] ‘Date: [date last modified] ‘Purpose: [1- or 2-line description of program] d. Put brief comments in all sub procedures, explaining what that section does: the button click procedure, the sub procedure for making the calculations, the sub procedure for displaying the results, as well as the Clear button and the Exit button sub procedures. e. Declare the rate of .00205 dollars per gallon as a constant. f. The variables for Current reading, Previous reading and Gallons used should be integers. g. Your message box for invalid input should include these things: i. The message should include the numbers the user entered, for example: “ERROR: Current reading (2000) cannot be less than Previous reading (3000).” ii. The title bar text should say “Invalid Input”. iii. The message box button should say “OK”. iv. The message box icon should be the Error icon. h. The output for the total charge should be displayed in currency format. i. Run the program, entering 8450 as the Current reading, and 6225 as the Previous reading. Click Calculate, then take a screen shot of the form, paste it at the end of this document, and press ENTER twice. j. Clear the text boxes, and run the program again, entering 8450 as the Current reading, and 8995 as the Previous reading. Before you click Calculate, take a screen shot of the form, paste it at the end of the document and press ENTER twice. k. Then click Calculate. A message box should pop up with an invalid input error message. Take a screen shot of the message box and paste it at the end of this document. l. Go to Code View for your form, copy all the code (using Edit / Select All and Edit / Copy, or CTRL-A and CTRL-C), and paste it at the end of this document (using Edit / Paste or CTRL-V). m. You do not have to do step 9a, listing output, input and processing items and a pseudocode algorithm. 2) At the top of this page, replace the line after “Student’s name” with your name. 3) Click the Office Button, Prepare, and Properties, and type your name as the Author, and CINS 113 as the Subject. Close the Document Properties area by clicking the X at the right end of the yellow bar. 4) Save this Word document. Close the document. 5) In Blackboard, go to Session


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