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Impoliteness in gesture and language ¦ 20 Best answer

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Impoliteness in gesture and language ¦ 20 Best answer Impoliteness in gesture and language: A cross-cultural study of impolite behaviour in American English and Arabic. Dear this thesis needs supervisions seminars so i must be in contact with you every supervision seminars with the supervisors comment on the draft Impoliteness in gesture and language Impoliteness in gesture and language: A cross-cultural study of impolite behaviour in American English and Arabic Dear this thesis needs supervisions seminars so i must be in contact with you every supervision seminars with the supervisors comment on the draft .as i need a draft from you every time when the supervisor asking .In the thesis please try to interview peaople and i will send you one of my collegoeous previous thesis if you want to read and try to take some notes and information about how he wrote it . there will be gradin criteria (Aims and research questions,Connection to previous research ,Scientific basis and theoretical considerations,Method ,Material,Analysis and results ,Academic writing,Citation and referencing technique, bibliography,,Autonomy in the thesis work)as you should read them in the document about the thesis that should contain all these criterias. then the design (Abstract :you need to include in an abstract: the title of the essay, the author’s name, supervisor’s name, the actual abstract (which should mention aims, method/material and main results) and finally keywords (at least 5, no more than 10). Introduction:You should use A4 paper and print on one side only. Set all margins of your document (left, right, top and bottom) at 2.5 cm. To make the paper easier to read, use a line spacing of 1.5 (as used in this text). However, footnotes, block quotations, the abstract and the references should be single-spaced. The main body of the text should be justified. Choose the Times New Roman font (the font used here), size 12 (for the body text). Finally, all pages should be consecutively numbered, beginning with the page which carries the introduction (i.e. not counting the title page, the abstract page or the table of contents page). The sections of the paper should be arranged in the following order: title page, abstract, table of contents, main text, references, appendix (if applicable). All paragraphs except for the ones directly following a section heading or a block quotation should be indented (1 cm first line indentation). Literary essays should follow the MLA style. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) of Purdue University has a very good MLA formatting and style guide. Most of the information you need for how to give proper citations and references to the works you use in your essay is available on their website: You will notice that the MLA normally uses double spacing throughout, but for the Bachelor’s degree essay you need to keep to the specifications indicated here. Your paper may follow British or American English spelling and grammar conventions. However, once you have made your choice, be consistent. If your word-processor has a spellchecker, set it for either British or American English, and use it. The body of Essay :To help organize your work, it is worth dividing it up into explicitly marked chapters or sections. This helps to make it obvious for the reader what you are dealing with at any moment in time and gives a very clear overall structure to your work. In literary essays it is common to have between 4 and 5 sections/chapters, including the introduction and conclusion. Remember that all the different sections of your essay should be clearly related to your main thesis. You need to indicate the focus of each section/chapter by a heading. In titles and headings, the first letter of each main word should be capitalized. The same applies to the table of contents. Reeferences:Note that entries in the reference lists should have a hanging indentation of 1 cm and should be single spaced. You can use the style “Entries reference list” available in this template that i will send you.there will be more instruction within the documents please try to read them carefully Please be noted that i have choosen dubble space but not sure about it may be will ask you to make single space later or you can read the documents as i am not understanding the whole instruction exactly you can go through that document instructions about the writing style.then Attachments Click Here To Download


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