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Identify two classroom management models and two campus wide behavior management systems

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Identify two classroom management models and two campus wide behavior management systems Order InstructionsEffective classroom management fosters learning and meets the needs of all students by using active engagement strategies, promoting self-motivation, and creating opportunities for positive social interaction among elementary students. It is crucial for teachers to have a firm foundation for their behavior management system and framework of classroom management based on well-researched behavior management models and systems. In this assignment, you will develop Section 3, “My Philosophy of Classroom Management” of the classroom management plan. Identify two classroom management models and two campus wide behavior management systems. Some examples of models and systems are listed below or you can chose others as appropriate. For each of the models and systems selected, write 100-150 words comparing and contrasting the model or system, and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the model or system. Provide one online resource with information about each model and system. Two classroom management models: Harry Wong’s Effective ClassroomKagan, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win DisciplineFred Jones Positive Classroom DisciplineMorrish’s Real DisciplineCanter and Canter’s Assertive Discipline (middle school education focused)Jeanne Gibb’s Tribes (elementary education focused)Two schoolwide/campuswide behavior management systems: Character Education (e.g., Character Counts, Character First! Education, I CAN Character Curriculum)Love and LogicPBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Strategies)S.T.A.R. (“Stop, Think, Act, Review” or “Success Through Accepting Responsibility”) (elementary education focused)In addition, write a 250-500 word reflection describing: Your evidence based personal philosophy of classroom management.The elements of each model and system you will incorporate into your future classroom management application, and why.How your classroom management framework fosters learning and meets the needs of all students.How your classroom management framework promotes self-motivation and creates opportunities for positive social interaction.Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.


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