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Human services acadamick only | Psychology homework help Assignment 3: Political Context of Social Policy In this assignment, you will discuss the need to analyze the political environment when lobbying for social change, including identifying stakeholders and resources required in the policy development process. You will also prepare an analysis of the political environment surrounding a policy of your choice. Tasks: On the basis of the readings, create a 3- to 4-page paper responding to the following questions: Why is it important to understand the political context in which a social policy issue is embedded? Similarly, why is it important to identify and involve stakeholders in the policy development process? Identify components of and resources required for the policy development cycle. Research a social policy that is of interest to you. The policy can be one that has resulted in legislative action (such as the creation of new laws or regulations as a result of advocacy work), or it can be in the development cycle. Describe the political environment and considerations surrounding the issue. What is the objective of the policy? Who is the target audience (primary and secondary)? What impacts will it have, both positive and negative? Who are the stakeholders in the issue, and what are their stances on the policy? Your final product should utilize a minimum of five resources from professional literature in your research. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Submission Details: Save your paper in a Microsoft Word document named M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc and by Wednesday, January 27, 2016, upload it to the M1 Assignment 3 Dropbox. Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Discussed the political context of the social policy development, stakeholders involved, and the policy development cycle. Included specific examples clearly illustrating each component. 30 Discussed an active social policy or one in development. Identified the political environment, including the political players involved; the main points of political debate on the policy; and the real or proposed objectives of the policy. 20 Discussed the positive and negative impacts of the policy on a specific group or groups of citizens whose problems it is designed to address. Discussed the positive and negative impacts of the policy on society in general. 20 Discussed the stances of stakeholders in the policy, including citizens, advocates or advocate groups, elected officials, and professional organizations. 20 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 10 Total: 100  


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