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How poverty differs in individuals or families in two settings | Best Answer 2022

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How poverty differs in individuals or families in two settings | Best Answer 2022 Discuss 1) how poverty differs in individuals or families in two settings (urban and rural)  2) discuss some strategies to increase economic and social development for rural communities and 3) discuss some strategies to combat inner city poverty 500 words minimum How poverty differs in individuals or families in two settings How does poverty differ in individuals/families in two settings (urban and rural)   Poverty is a complex issue that can be defined in many ways. For the purposes of this discussion, we will define poverty as a lack of resources that prevents one from having a socially acceptable standard of living. There are many factors that cause poverty, but all share the same underlying theme: a lack of money. In order to break this down further, we can look at poverty in two main settings: individuals/families and communities. Individuals/Families In an individual or family setting, poverty may mean being unable to provide food or shelter for oneself or one’s family. It could also mean not having enough money for basic needs such as clothing and medical care. Poverty may also be measured by how much income someone has compared to others in society (income inequality). The following examples illustrate how people experience poverty differently depending on their situation: A single mother who works full time but still cannot afford child care so she must rely on her grandmother’s help with childcare while she works; or A teenager who dropped out of school because his parents have been laid off and they no longer have enough money to pay his tuition fees; or A family living in an inner-city neighborhood where violent crime is common, who are afraid to leave Strategies to increase economic and social development for rural communities Strategies to increase economic and social development for rural communities The Rural Development Program has developed a number of strategies that can help rural communities: Promote economic growth. Encourage residents to start businesses, such as tourism and farming, that will bring more income into their communities. Provide training on how to start and run a business(Giz, 2022). Improve education. Provide schools with books and other materials so children can learn more about their community’s history and culture. Help teachers improve their teaching skills by providing training or hiring new teachers who are better qualified. Create jobs through small businesses. Help people start small businesses by providing start-up money or equipment such as sewing machines or computers so they can make clothes or shoes for sale in the community and beyond it. This will create jobs for local people while also improving their standard of living because they will earn money through these businesses instead of relying on government handouts alone. Strategies to combat the inner-city poverty There are many strategies for combating inner-city poverty. One way to combat inner-city poverty is through education. Education is one of the biggest factors in determining a person’s success in life. We need to make sure that children in low-income areas get a good education so that they can have better job opportunities and higher wages later in life. This can be done by providing free or low-cost daycare and preschool programs, which will allow parents to go to work and still have their children taken care of. It can also be done by improving schools in low-income areas so that students receive a better education and have more opportunities after graduation. Another way to combat inner-city poverty is through improving public transportation systems so that people don’t have to drive everywhere and there are fewer traffic jams which would reduce pollution as well as reduce fuel costs for residents who cannot afford private transportation services such as taxis or Uber. We can also combat inner-city poverty by encouraging businesses to move into these areas so there are more jobs available for residents who want them but do not need college degrees or advanced skills such as technical training or certifications because they would provide them with good-paying jobs with benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans which would allow them Reference Giz (2022) Rural Development Programme (RDP), Startseite. GIZ. Available at: Related Article: Community Violence in Urban Areas 


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