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For anyone | Human Resource Management homework help

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For anyone | Human Resource Management homework help   1.Check all of the following tangible benefits of well-crafted visions that are primarily cognitive components: Underline all that apply  A. Great profits and dividends  b. Provide road maps, direction  c. Enable sounds strategic planning  d. Recruit talent- provide feeling of engagement  e. Develop distinctive competencies  f. Aspiration  g. Inspiration  2. Which of the following statements explains why a vision is more critical to change than a mission statement?  A. a mission statement focuses on what an organization is and does. A vision focuses on the possible future scenario a change can bring.  B. a mission statement imagines a new future the change will bring. A vision is a dream that will never be real.  c. a mission statement explains who we are now. A vision focuses on where we are going.  3. which of the statements below are Pendlebury’s three components of vision that are key to change management. Check all that apply.   A. why the change is needed  b. the mission of the organization  c. the aim of the change  d. a stringent plan and budget  e. the change actions that will be taken  4. Match the approach for crafting a vision to when it is used.  Tell       2. Co-create    3. Consult      4. Test      5. Sell  Match each of the options above to the items below.  Involvement is not seen as important  Chief executive is attracted to the vision and wants others to adopt it  Chief executive wants to see which aspects of the vision find support  Chief executive needs to help develop the vision  Chief executive wants to identify shared visions throughout the organization  5. To what extent do stakeholders influence a plan and subsequent implementation of organization restructuring that accommodates change?  Stakeholders are incidental to the change process.  Stakeholders are not decision makers and cannot influence the potential outcome of organizational restructuring.  Stakeholders expertise in managing change is very limited, and should not be considered by change leaders in the planning of adaptable organizational structures.  None of these  6. Barbara, a change manager, has good political skills. She has built a range of relationship across and outside the organization. These characteristics of Barbara are an example of ______________  dimension of political skills.  Networking ability  Apparent sincerity  Interpersonal influence  Social astuteness  7. Sam, a change manager, has many competencies. One particular strength is his ability to gather meaningful data through interviews, surveys, and observations. These characteristics of Sam are an example of the _______________ skill of a change manager.  8. An important CMI change manager competency includes personal responsibility, prioritizations and time management, resilience, flexibility, and emotional intelligence. This competency is best described as:  Strategic thinking  Self-management  Coaching for change  Scouting  9. Which of the following are the undesirable characteristics of a change manager? Check all that apply.  Recognizes and deal with office politics  Accepts risks and challenges  Has high need for praise and recognition  Impatient and lacking persistence  10. When coaching for change, it is important to have a good grasp of (check all that apply)  Adult learning principles  Why the change is needed  Role models  Cost management  Complex research models  11. The ability to market your skills and persuade internal customers to use your services is an example  of :  Initiation skills  Diagnostic skills  Implementing skills 


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