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Exploring_w02_grader_h1.docx | Computer Science homework help

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Exploring_w02_grader_h1.docx | Computer Science homework help 1 Download and open the file named exploring_w02_grader_h1.docx. 0 2 Ensure that the insertion point is on the first line of the document. Open the Styles pane. Create a New Style. Change the name to Title_Page_1. The Style type is Paragraph. The style should include 22 pt font size, and a font color of Blue, Accent 1, Darker 50%. (row 6, column 5). The new style is applied to the first line of the document. 8 3 Select the second line, A Study for Managers Involved in the Hiring Process, and change the font size to 16 pt. Change the font color of the selected line to Blue, Accent 1, Darker 50% (row 6, column 5). 6 4 Show nonprinting characters, if they are not already displayed. Click before the first paragraph mark following Updated by: and type Laura Sims. Change the case of Laura Sims to UPPERCASE. 5 5 Select document text from the line beginning The Personal Interview through the end of the document. Justify the selected text and change line spacing to 1.15. 6 6 Place the insertion point at the left of The Personal Interview on page 1 and insert a page break. Apply Heading 1 style to The Personal Interview. Modify Heading 1 style to use Dark Red font color (row 1, column 1 under Standard Colors). 8 7 Apply Heading 2 style to the Introduction heading. 5 8 Modify Heading 2 style to use Dark Red font color (row 1, column 1 under Standard Colors). Close the Styles pane. 5 9 Select five paragraphs in the Introduction section on page 2, beginning with Pre-Interview Impressions and ending with Trait Configurations. Apply a four-sided star bullet (v Character code: 118, under the Wingdings Font (decimal)) to the selected text. 5 10 Select the second paragraph in the Introduction section, beginning with Personal interviewing continues and apply these formats:• 0.6” left and right indent• 6 pt spacing after the paragraph• Boxed 1 1/2 pt border using the color Blue, Accent 1, Darker 25%• Shading of Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% 8 11 Apply the first numbered-list format (1., 2., 3.) to the three phases in the Pre-Interview Impression Effects section. The phrases are The Pre-Interview Phase, The Interview Phase, and The Post-Interview Phase. (Hint: Click the Numbering arrow and select the first list format—the second selection on the first row—in the Numbering Library.) 5 12 Select the final paragraphs in the Pre-Interview Impression Effects section, beginning with Hakel, in 2002 and ending with negative aspects of their credentials. Display the selected text in two columns with a line between the columns. 7 13 Insert the picture file w02c1Perceptions.jpg at the beginning of the line that contains First, we discuss some of the psychological pitfalls, near the bottom of page 2. Change the height of the picture to 3”. Apply Top and Bottom text wrapping. 7 14 Position the picture so that it appears near the top of page 3, above the line that contains First, we discuss some of the psychological pitfalls. Align the picture so that it is centered horizontally. Apply the Rounded Diagonal Corner, White picture style. The picture displays at the top of page 3. Do not reposition it. 7 15 Insert the picture file w02c1Phases.jpg at the beginning of the line on page 3 that begins Hakel, in 2002. If necessary, position the picture so it appears immediately above the line that begins Hakel, in 2002. 6 16 Change the picture height to 0.5” and change text wrapping to Top and Bottom. Apply Offset Center Shadow picture effect (row 2, column 2 under Outer). 5 17 Display the document in Outline view. Collapse all paragraphs so only lines formatted as Heading 1 or Heading 2 display. Move the Stereotypes section immediately above Physical Characteristics. Close Outline view. 7 18 Save the document and exit Word. Submit the file as directed. 0   Total Points 100


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