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Exp 105 week 2 quiz (2019) IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, OPEN THIS PAGE AGAIN AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS. 1. Ryan is currently enrolled in EXP 105. He has been using his Learning Pattern knowledge in his schoolwork as well as in other areas of life. He also wants to make sure he can apply this information beyond the classroom once the class is finished. Ryan should __________. 2. Jessica is beginning her academic program and would like to develop personalized learning strategies. She feels as though she has an idea of how she learns; however, she does not quite have the words to describe it. Jessica should __________. 3. Michelle has learned quite a bit of information about her Learning Patterns and plans to use this knowledge intentionally in her current class, in her future classes, and in other areas of life. While she feels she is developing an understanding of how she uses her Patterns in her everyday life, she is also listening to the “chatter” of each of her Patterns. This internal talk is called __________. 4. Kathy has used what she has learned about her Learning Patterns to move forward in her learning process with intentional effort. She is committed to using intentional learning strategies and is actively taking part in the process. Kathy is exhibiting __________. 5. Greg often has a desire for specific information. He does research and searches for facts to verify information. Additionally, he feels a sense of accomplishment when the information he has is correct. Greg most likely uses which Pattern at the Use First level? 6. At work, Nancy feels most comfortable when she can follow her routine and complete her work from beginning to end. Today her supervisor contacts her and requests that she stop what she is working on and begin working on a task that needs to be completed right away. Nancy feels very upset with having her routine disrupted. Nancy likely uses __________ at the __________ level. 7. To begin using your Learning Patterns intentionally, it is important to __________. 8. Danielle feels she works well with others. She encourages others to contribute effectively and finds that she can often bring everyone together to focus on the common goal among the group. Danielle is a __________. 9. Sara is a leader in the workplace and also prefers to take charge at home. She has been recognized for her leadership skills. However, she has also been given feedback that she is, at times, difficult to work with due to her need to always be in charge. Sara has a __________. 10. Isaac does not enjoy reading. He tends to skim through his reading materials for school and rarely takes notes. When interacting with others, he tries to avoid situations in which he is being asked a lot of questions. At work, when his supervisor assigns him a task and provides a lengthy explanation of what is required of him, he feels overwhelmed. Isaac likely uses __________ at the __________ level. 11. The Ashford University Student Resource introduced this week is: 12. Metacognition refers to: 13. The Metacognitive Forum is a good place to ask questions to your instructor. 14. Based on the car accident video in the Week 2 Instructor Guidance, how is it determined that the woman is highly precise? 15. You’re provided with sentence starters in order to complete the Metacognitive Forum. BUY MORE MATERIALS FOR THIS COURSE: EXP 105 Week 1 Quiz 1 (2019) EXP 105 Week 2 Learning Patterns In Action Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 2 Quiz (2019) EXP 105 WEEK 3 Decoding Tasks Assessment Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 3 Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 4 Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 4 Academic Integrity Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 5 Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Student Resource Exam 1 (2019)


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