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Evidence contamination presentation | Information Systems homework help

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Evidence contamination presentation | Information Systems homework help   You are the mobile device forensic examiner at the local police department. After several incidents of evidence contamination at the scene of a crime, you decided to create a PowerPoint to discuss evidence contamination in a mobile device investigation.  Credit: MICA85 Submission Guidelines Create a PowerPoint that shows the importance and drawbacks of faraday bags and how that may impact the legal process when performing a mobile device investigation. Make sure to cover the potential sources of contamination at a crime scene where a mobile device could be found and how this can affect the legal process of a suspect. Use course materials or independent research to support your position.  Format:  PowerPoint with Narration. Uses proper APA citations and formatting. Ensure that you are using correct APA citations and format styles. Review the APA style guidelines and format examples at Maryville University Library. (Links to an external site.) Your assignment should be uploaded no later than Sunday at 11:59 pm CST.  MIC85. (2016, February 29). [Faraday bags are a type of faraday cage made of flexible metallic fabric. They are typically used to block remote wiping or tampering of wireless devices recovered in criminal investigations, but may also be used by the general public to protect data or enhance privacy.]. View RubricISYS 675 PowerPoint Assignment Rubric 1ISYS 675 PowerPoint Assignment Rubric 1CriteriaRatingsPtsUnderstandingview longer description29 ptsNo DescriptionDemonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).23.2 ptsNo DescriptionDemonstrates an accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).17.4 ptsNo DescriptionDemonstrates an acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).11.6 ptsNo DescriptionDemonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).0 ptsNo MarksNo Submission/ 29 ptsAnalysisview longer description29 ptsNo DescriptionMakes appropriate and powerful connections between the issues identified and the strategic concepts researched about the topic.23.2 ptsNo DescriptionMakes appropriate connections between the issues identified and the strategic concepts researched about the topic.17.4 ptsNo DescriptionMakes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issues and concepts researched about the topic.11.6 ptsNo DescriptionMakes little or no connection between the issues identified and the strategic concepts researched about the topic.0 ptsNo Submission/ 29 ptsRecommendationsview longer description29 ptsNo DescriptionPresents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information presented and concepts from the research.23.2 ptsNo DescriptionPresents specific, realistic, and appropriate recommendations supported by the information presented and concepts from the research.17.4 ptsNo DescriptionPresents realistic or appropriate recommendations supported by the information presented and concepts from the research.11.6 ptsNo DescriptionPresents realistic or appropriate recommendations with little, if any, support from the information presented and concepts from the research.0 ptsNo DescriptionNo Submission/ 29 ptsReferencesview longer description13 ptsNo DescriptionAll are reliable authorities.10.4 ptsNo DescriptionMost are reliable authorities.7.8 ptsNo DescriptionSome are reliable authorities.5.2 ptsNo DescriptionNone are reliable authorities.0 ptsNo DescriptionNo Submission/ 13 ptsTotal Points: 0 Choose a submission type Submission type Upload, currently selectedUploadMore submission optionsMoreSubmit file using Webcam PhotoWebcam PhotoSubmit file using Canvas FilesCanvas Files 


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