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ENGB60 Creative Writing ¦ Best answer 2022

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ENGB60 Creative Writing ¦ Best answer 2022 ENGB60 Creative Writing: Poetry I. A focused introduction to the writing of poetry. This course will enable students to explore the writing of poetry through reading, discussion, and workshop sessions. ENGB60 Creative Writing A focused introduction to the writing of poetry. This course will enable students to explore the writing of poetry through reading, discussion, and workshop sessions. Course Time: Mondays 11:00—1:00 EST Office Location and Hours: HW 315, Office Hours TBD Course Description: One thing distinguishes writers of poetry from others: they write poems. Writing is a practice. It is not a feeling, an inspiration, a state or quality of emotion, or an aspiration, even if all of these play a pivotal role in the work. What matters is what’s on the page. Further, reading is a fundamental part of the practice of any writer. Hence, you have assigned reading, and each of you should have your own poetry reading agendas as well. If you want to write poetry, you need to read poetry. And while there is much to be learned from historical English poetry, we are contemporary writers, and as such we must read contemporary poetry. With these things in mind, the focus of our work will be on reading and on writing new poems. In addition, the majority of our in-class time will be devoted to the workshopping of our classmates’ poems. We have a short time together, so necessarily each student’s personal workshop time is limited. However, good writers are good readers. Every editorial skill we learn in workshop, whether focussed on our own writing or a classmate’s, serves to make us better writers. Further, because of the limited time we have and the necessity to stick to our workshop schedule, workshop times cannot be rescheduled, nor can materials be accepted late. Your meeting workshop deadlines or not meeting them will affect everyone else, so we have to stick to our schedule. In his book, Three Genres, Stephen Minot proposes five fundamental qualities that distinguish poetry from prose: ·         utilizing the line as the primary unit rather than the sentence. ·         a heightened use of images. ·         greater attention to the sound of words. ·         development of rhythm. ·         creating density by implying far more than is stated. These are the five qualities by which we will measure the work of our classmates during workshops, and they are the qualities by which your work will be evaluated by classmate and for the purposes of grading. Required Texts: ü  The Poet’s Companion, Kim Addonizio


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