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Each student is required to virtually visit the Art Institute of Chicago. After virtually visiting the Art Institute, the student is then required to write a 2-3 page formal analysis describing one of the works seen

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Each student is required to virtually visit the Art Institute of Chicago. After virtually visiting the Art Institute, the student is then required to write a 2-3 page formal analysis describing one of the works seen Each student is required to virtually visit the Art Institute of Chicago. After virtually visiting the Art Institute, the student is then required to write a 2-3 page formal analysis describing one of the works seen. Detailed instructions and grading rubric are below.   Papers should be uploaded to Canvas; work submitted by email will not be accepted.   “The first draft of anything is shit” – Ernst Hemmingway. Take advantage of the Writing Center!   STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO REDO VIRTUAL MUSEUM ASSIGNMENTS AFTER THE ASSIGNMENT HAS BEEN GRADED. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ASSIGNMENT OR WOULD LIKE YOUR INSTRUCTOR TO LOOK OVER YOUR WORK BEFORE TURNING IN A FINAL COPY, EMAIL YOUR INSTRUCTOR AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE ASSIGNMENT IS DUE.   Any papers turned in that are less than 2 complete pages in length, will automatically be given a zero!!!     Directions:   Each student is responsible for virtually visiting the Art Institute of Chicago. While experiencing the museum virtually, the student will choose one work of art catches their attention. After choosing a work of art, the student will then complete a formal analysis of the work in a 2-3 page paper.   THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY RESEARCH OR CONTEXT INCLUDED IN THIS PAPER   The goal of this assignment is to apply key concepts and vocabulary from class to the analysis of a work of art. After completing the analysis, you will then describe YOUR interpretations and YOUR experience; therefore, there is no need to conduct any research. Because of this, the use of the word “I” should be included. DO NOT, at any point throughout your paper however, include the word “you”.   Throughout the text the student will describe in as much detail as possible, while using art terms presented in class, their chosen work of art including the formal elements such as medium/technique, subject, composition, installation, texture, style, visual elements, principles of design, etc. From your description, the reader should be able to perfectly visualize the work of art in their head without actually seeing it. This section should make up the majority of the paper.   After describing the work, the student will include their interpretations of the work based on the subject and information covered throughout the course. What do you think the content is? Did the artist include iconography? What does it represent? Why do you think the artist chose to depict the work of art in the way that they did?   Next, the student should add the reason for choosing this particular work. What was it about this piece that caught your attention?   Lastly, the conclusion, and only the conclusion, will then describe your experience of virtually visiting the museum. What did you think about the virtual experience?   Formatting:   · Header including name and class/section number   · Times New Roman   · 12 point font   · 1 inch margins   · Double Spaced   · Pages Numbered   · Image of the chosen artwork is included at the end of the paper, NOT to be included in the page count.   Tips for completing a well written Museum Assignment:   · Read over all of the instructions and rubric for the assignment   · Follow the checklist below   · When writing use work of art or artwork (one word), not art work (two words)   · Titles of art should be in italics   · NO CONTEXT!   Checklist of key concepts and VOCABULARY that should be included in your paper:   · Installation   · Frame   · Dimensions (Size)   · Medium   · Technique   · Subject matter   · Composition   · Visual Elements (there are 8 of them, not all will apply to every work of art but incorporate the concepts that apply to your piece)   · Line   · Shape   · Mass   · Light   · Color   · Texture   · Space   · Time and Motion   · Principles of design (there are 8 of them, not all will apply to every work of art but incorporate the concepts that apply to your piece)   · Unity   · Variety   · Balance   · Emphasis   · Subordination   · Scale   · Proportion   · Rhythm   · Style   · Content   · Iconography (if there is any)   · Why did you pick it?   · Your Experience  


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