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Due tonight!!! dominant cultures and subcultures- discussion and

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Due tonight!!! dominant cultures and subcultures- discussion and PLEASE ANSWER DISCUSSION AND REPLY TO THE 2 STUDENTS DISCUSSIONS- NO SPECIFIC WORD COUNT ON THE REPLYS 150 TO 250 ON MAIN DISCUSSION. DUE TODAY ON10/12 WITHIN 3 HOURS  Contrast the dynamics between dominant cultures and subcultures either in a work setting or in society. Explain why it is important to understand the impact of culture. Give an example where you demonstrated your awareness and or openness to understanding a cultural difference. Explain how these differences underscore the need for understanding diversity. From the information given, develop guidelines for embracing diversity. Respond to at least two of your peers for this posting and offer some additional ideas of your own. REPLY TO TYRETTA: Every organization has it’s own personality. Starting with an ideas, a vision,  that eventually manifest into a culture of it’s own. “Organizational culture consists of a set of shared meanings and values held by a set of members in an organization that distinguish it from others” (Baack,2017,2.1). The culture of the company is a mere reflection of the founder(s) beliefs, goals, sole objective for being in business. Which eventually becomes the norm for how business gets done. Subcultures are groups that  are formed due to a common problem or issue amongst certain members. Creating  a group that has similar views and beliefs, aside from the organizations dominant culture.  It’s very important to understand culture due to the fact that every culture is  different, and has their own norms. Being able to not only recognize and accept these differences, but embracing and learning how to adapt accordingly to be able to work in any business environment.   On my spare time, working as an Independent representative for a network marketing company, who culture embodies  Fun Freedom and Fulfilment. Events and seminars resembling a musical concert, the people genuinely happy, chasing the same dream of becoming financially free, having such a positive attitude and outlook.   As a representative that has the opportunity build my own team through recruiting, I’m more aware than before of diversity. I encounter people of all origins, and beliefs, and as a independent representative it’s my duty to be able to connect with each individual. First recognizing our differences, being open minded and accepting. Having a willingness to reach an understanding, to be able to communicate most effective.  When embracing diversity, it’s important that we’re sensitive to people differences and that we learn through training how to understand as well as working together effectively for the greater good of the organization. REPLY TO JESSICA: Cultural differences are probably one of the largest conflicts in businesses and even in society. A dominant culture “articulates the core values shared by a majority of an organization’s members.” A subculture is a group that separates themselves from the larger group to which they belong. (Baack, 2017) While a subculture can share the same values of the dominate culture and simply be divided logistically or due to their position in the company, I feel the majority of subcultures are in opposition of the dominate culture. From a managerial standpoint, you must understand the impact of culture as it effects every aspect of your staff. It is important to make yourself aware of the cultural differences and diversity in your company. The impact of culture can negatively affect work product, moral and even the turnover rate.  An example I often go to when speaking of cultural diversity is deployments overseas. The dominate culture was the Army as a whole. We were all United States Soldiers serving one purpose, which was to provide safety and peace to Iraq/Afghanistan. Subcultures of the military are the various branches that are assigned to different missions. There are even additional subcultures within each section. I was with JAG (Judge Advocate General) my entire career. Within the JAG section, there is an investigative team, trial team, administrative team and many more. I worked with the trial team and traveled all over the country while deployed to Iraq. In addition to Courts Martials, we also trained the local attorneys and judges. We were required to train almost daily on cultural awareness and how to appropriately approach their people. This was a big enough struggle and then you add the diversity of the military as a whole and the amount of differences that were present amongst your own group, it was a bit stressful. As a supervisor, I was forced to understand and sympathize with cultural differences of the Iraqis we dealt with and also my 6 employees.  In my opinion, the best way to embrace diversity is by maintaining sensitivity and understanding. In a supervisory role, you cannot be a successful leader if you are closed minded. Within the workplace there are going to be various age groups, race and genders and it is important to focus on the job and ensure that you are not discriminatory. Training is a great way to learn, but the real key is to experience diversity and be placed in situation where you are forced to understand.  Baack, D. (2017). Organizational behavior (2nd ed.). [Electronic version]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


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