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Dq1,2 | Psychology homework help

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Dq1,2 | Psychology homework help DQ 1       For this discussion, please choose one of the two options: behaviorism or cognitivism. Taking on the role of either a behaviorist or a cognitivist, you will demonstrate your understanding of your chosen psychological view by explaining why your theory and its history are important for others to understand and apply.    Based on your own experiences, the resources listed above, and the scholarly article from the Ashford University Library you locate, analyze how learning and theory apply in real-life situations by listing the pros and cons of each. Provide evidence for your stance from your resources. Please describe two real-life scenarios you have experienced and explain how you applied these psychological principles to the personal, social, or educational issues you mention. Please do not share anything that you would be uncomfortable discussing in a public forum. Based on the camp you chose, continue to answer the following:   Additional behaviorist questions to consider:   Do you agree with the behaviorist view that learning can be described simply in terms of stimulus-response relationships? Do you agree with the behaviorist view that learning only occurs if there is an outward manifestation? Why, or why not? What are the potential advantages of defining learning as a change in behavior when considering your own career (or future career) and/or in your relationships?   Additional cognitivist questions to consider:   Do you agree with the cognitivist view that thinking is not a behavior but actually creates important implications affecting behavior Why do cognitivists disagree with the behaviorist view that learning only occurs if there is an outward manifestation? What are the implications to the behavior(s) it identifies? Cognitivism suggests that what we know to be true affects our behaviors and how we learn, what implications might this have in your own career (or future career) and/or in your relationships?               DQ2       Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read “The Development of Memory Efficiency and Value-Directed Remembering Across the Life Span” article, watch the Memory processes, Storage and Recall and Three Kinds of Memory videos, and review any relevant instructor guidance.  This guidance can be very helpful as it may include strategies that support your preferred learning.   For this discussion, first describe how memory development and learning affect each other by defining the types of memories listed below in your own words (the use of quotations is inappropriate) and citing personal examples of each.   Episodic Memories Semantic Memories Procedural Memories Next, apply basic research methods in psychology to your initial statements on these issues by researching at least one peer-reviewed article per memory type (three articles total) in the Ashford University Library to supplement your definition of each.  After completing your research, critically analyze and discuss, in depth, how each of your real-life examples represents each type of memory.        Lastly, evaluate and comment on how episodic memories, semantic memories, and procedural memories each potentially affect how a person learns.        


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