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Do you want me to provide the pictures or will you? ¦ 2022 Best answer

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Do you want me to provide the pictures or will you? ¦ 2022 Best answer Do you want me to provide the pictures or will you? As you have been looking around your community for examples of social, economic, and environmental (in)justice, what did you notice? Did you expect to find what you did? Do you want me to provide the pictures or will you? As you have been looking around your community for examples of social, economic, and environmental (in)justice, what did you notice? Did you expect to find what you did? What emotional responses did you experience when viewing the various types of disparities that clients experience? Perhaps you have found a way to call attention to injustices you see every day but are not sure how to solve. Or, maybe you have seen an injustice for the first time. For this Discussion, you use photos that you have curated of your community to demonstrate social justice, economic justice, and environmental justice. You will then explain why these photos represent the given concept. To Prepare Take 3 pictures of your community, 1 that represents each of the following: social justice economic justice environmental justice Be sure to respect the privacy of individuals who may be present when taking photos. If it is unavoidable that a person may be visible enough in your photo to be identifiable, ask that person for permission before taking the photo. Post a response to the following: PLEASE include 1 photo for each type. For your social justice picture: Explain social justice in your own words. Explain how this picture represents social justice. For your economic justice picture: Explain economic justice in your own words. Explain how this picture represents economic justice. For your environmental justice picture: Explain environmental justice in your own words. Explain how this picture represents environmental justice. Attachments Click Here To Download


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