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Data analysis guide | Social Science homework help

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Data analysis guide | Social Science homework help    Week 4 – Discussion 2   Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.        Data   Analysis Guide  By Day 1 of Week One, you will be assigned topic.  For your assigned topic, provide  step by step directions as if you were showing a fellow classmate how to complete the assignment.  The initial post should include the answers to the questions as well as the step by step directions.  You may choose the method for creating the directions including but not limited to audio visual, visual, etc. You may choose to work with other members of your group on this post IF you contact the instructor by Day 1 of the week. If you choose to collaborate in a group of two, include in your initial post, the team process, how it was decided who would do what and how you reached consensus on the posting.  Both students need to post in the discussion.  Include your topic in your discussion post title.  The CHF data should be used for this discussion.  Topic 1:Descriptive Statistics Using Excel – Central Tendency Calculate the mean, median and mode charge. Sort the charge values in ascending order. Calculate the mean, median and mode charge excluding      the maximum value. Did the mean, median, and mode change more? Why?  Topic 2:  Calculate the mean, median and mode LOS. Sort the LOS values in ascending order. Calculate the mean, median and mode LOS excluding the      maximum value. Did the mean, median, and mode change ? Why?  Topic  3:Descriptive Statistics Using Excel – Spread Calculate the variance and range LOS. Sort the LOS values in ascending order. Calculate the variance and range LOS excluding the      maximum value. Did the variance and range mean or median change      more?  Why?  Topic 4: Calculate the variance and range  charge. Sort the charge values in ascending order. Calculate the variance and range charge excluding the      maximum value. Did the variance and range mean or median change      more?  Why?  Topic 5:One Sample T-Test Test the hypothesis that the sample mean LOS for MS-DRG      291 is different from the national standard.  Obtain the national      Medicare LOS from HCUP. Be sure to state the null and alternative hypotheses      and set the alpha prior to performing the test.  Topic 6:Two Sample T-Test Test the hypothesis that charges for patients with      MS-DRG 291 are different for men and women. Be sure to state the null and alternative hypotheses      and set the alpha prior to performing the test.  Topic 7:ANOVA The basic principle of the IPPS payment system is that      the ‘levels’ (no CC/CC/MCC) of a MS-DRG family has different resource      intensity and therefore should be paid differently.  Use the CHF data      to test this hypothesis.  Use charge as a measure of resource      intensity.  Be sure to state the null and alternative hypotheses and      set the alpha prior to performing the test. Can you conclude which MS-DRGs have significantly      different average charges? Contact 24/7 Writing Tutoring for support with this discussion.   Please note, that if it is determined that you would benefit from tutoring in areas in addition to writing, you may be forwarded to a secondary tutor to meet your needs.  Guided Response: Post a minimum of two follow-up responses to peers by Day 7. Each peer response should be a minimum of five full sentences.  Critique the step by step directions in the selected peer post.  Are the directions detailed to the level you would need to complete a similar assignment on your own?  If not, what additional information would you like included? Critique the format of an initial post?  Was it easy to understand or did something confuse you?  How would you improve upon the directions?  Based upon the information in this discussion, could you complete a similar exercise on your own?  Your three required posts must be on three different days of the week.  Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your discussion.


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