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conducting a job search | Psychology homework help

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conducting a job search | Psychology homework help   In M1: Assignment 2, you explored your career interests and identified three careers that seemed best suited for you. In this assignment, you will conduct a mock job search and report your findings using the Job Search Data Bank form. Mock Job Search: Select one of the three careers you identified and discussed in M1: Assignment 2 andconduct a job search for actual openings in your area. If you are willing to eventually relocate, you may choose openings elsewhere as well. You may choose to use any or all of the following sources to find available positions in your chosen career of interest: Local newspaper ads (online or printed editions) Networking Web sites such as LinkedIn Networking with colleagues, peers, or other contacts Your state employment office Listings on professional organizations’ Web sites  Refer to the sidebar to download and review a copy of the “Job Resources” document to find additional online sources relating to online job searches. Job Search Data Bank: Refer to the sidebar in order to download and review a copy of the “Job Search Data Bank” template. Provide the results of the mock job search you completed for this assignment by filling out the table in the “Job Search Data Bank”template. Begin by summarizing your career interests. Briefly describe what you concluded from Module 1 about the types of positions best suited to your career interests. For example, if you are most interested in a career as a psychologist, would you prefer to pursue a position in a clinic, a private practice, or a nonprofit organization? Would you prefer to specialize in working with children? Do you hope to have a research or teaching position instead? List at least four positions you found during your job search. These four positions should match the interests you identified in Module 1.  Describe each position fully, providing as much of the available information as possible from the ads. Copy and paste the ads into the Job Ads column of the table. For each identified job opening, indicate the likelihood that you would be eligible for the identified position upon graduation from college with a bachelor’s degree. If you would be ineligible, specify what additional training or education you would require to qualify for the position.  Indicate if you are willing to pursue that additional training or education.  Describe the amount of time, cost, and other resources you think would need to be invested to become qualified. Put the information into your own words. Place quotation marks around the portions you have quoted from the ads. Include the reference to the source by using APA style in-text citations within the body of your paper and a reference list in APA style below your table in the Job Search Data Bank template provided. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc. By Sunday, June 23, 2013, deliver your assignment to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Clearly summarized career interests. 16 Identified at least four relevant jobs and documented their aspects in detail displaying analysis of career interests. 12 Identified and explained the likelihood of job eligibility based on the type of degree possessed. 16 Listed and described additional training or other educational resources required for qualification quoting information from ads that identified the requirements correctly. 24 Listed and described other resources, including time and cost, required for additional training. 12 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20 Total:


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