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Colossal genius | English homework help

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Colossal genius | English homework help  DISCUSSION 1  Watch the following video: Bringing Baths Into the 21st Century. Then, identify the critical information missing from this persuasive presentation and describe some strategies or best practices you used when watching this video to arrive at your conclusions. A captioned version of the video is available: Bringing Baths Into the 21st Century (CC) Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Missing Information: Describe at least three critical pieces of information that are missing from the speech. Explain how they affected the speaker’s persuasive stance and the impact on the audience. Listening Strategies: Describe at least three strategies or best practices you used when listening to the video. Explain how these strategies helped you identify the gaps in the speech. Guidelines for Submission Submit a 150- to 250-word Microsoft Word document that presents your evaluation of the video. Sources should be cited according to APA style. DISCUSSION 2  THERE ARE TWO 7-2 PROJECT TWO SUBMISSION HEADING MAKE SURE TO SUBMIT UNDER THE ONE THAT READ ASSIGNMENT. Scenario Recently, your manager asked that each person in your department select an emerging policy, practice, or process that is relevant to your career or professional development goals and present it to the team in an informative, unbiased presentation to help the team learn more about a variety of career-relevant topics. Your manager was especially interested in your presentation, and asked if you could develop and deliver a short persuasive speech to present to organizational leaders about what action the organization should take regarding your selected emerging policy, practice, or process. Directions Select a persuasive stance on the topic of your informational presentation from Project One. Then develop and present a 3- to 5-minute professional, persuasive speech to recommend what action the organization should take regarding your selected emerging policy, practice, or process. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Persuasive Components Introduction: Develop an introduction that includes a clear, attention-getting purpose, claim, and credibility statement and sets the stage for the body of your speech. Body: Develop a well-organized body for your speech that incorporates purposeful evidence and explanations that support your claim to persuade your audience. Conclusion: Develop a conclusion to your speech that summarizes your main points and leaves your audience with a clear call to action that aligns to your claim. Audience Centeredness: Craft a speech that clearly takes your target audience’s perspectives and values into consideration through careful selection of evidence and word choice. Speech Delivery Vocal Presentation: Use appropriate tone and voice modulation techniques such as purposeful use of volume, pitch, and pauses as well as appropriate rate, articulation, and vocal variety to support audience engagement and understanding. Length: Present all components of the persuasive speech in the allotted time frame of 3-5 minutes. Body Language: Use movement, sustained eye contact, and appropriate gestures effectively to convey professionalism, trust, and confidence to the audience. Space: Record your speech in a physical space that has limited distractions to help the audience focus on your delivery and the content of your speech. What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Bongo Submission Submit a 3- to 5-minute audiovisual recording of you presenting your persuasive speech using the camera option in Bongo. Sources should be orally cited according to APA style. Due to Bongo’s technical capabilities, downloading your presentation may result in two separate files (one for audio and one for video) as opposed to one file that includes both. If this occurs, please upload both files to Brightspace. Speech Outline Submit your persuasive speech outline using the provided Speech Outline Template Word Document, which you drafted in the Module Six discussion. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


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