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College degree verses apprenticeship ¦ 2022 Best answer

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College degree verses apprenticeship ¦ 2022 Best answer College degree verses apprenticeship. For a certain amount of years you should be able to get on the job training to become a journeyman in the field which you want to start a career. College degree verses apprenticeship College degree verses apprenticeship. For a certain amount of years you should be able to get on the job training to become a journeyman in the field which you want to start a career. This is how it was done in ancient times. Why can’t it be done now? Argumentative essay on being able to an apprentice and get on the job training instead of going to college to only be an entry level employee once you finish college. Why a Professional Apprenticeship is Better than More School – Praxis ( Deciding what to do when you leave school or college is tough. Do you go to university and get a degree or choose an apprenticeship and get to earn while you learn? Explore which route would be best for you The degree versus apprenticeship debate is long-running and choosing your next move requires careful consideration. Higher education remains a popular option for most but attitudes towards apprenticeships have also evolved and they’re now recognised as an equal alternative to university. This is reflected in the number of people starting this route to employment, with 66,730 apprentices starting higher apprenticeships to Bachelors (Level 6) and Masters (Level 7) standards in 2019/20. The main benefits of each option can be summarised as follows: Going to university – you’ll be able to pick from thousands of courses, a degree will leave your career more open-ended in terms of future opportunities, you’ll gain your independence by living away from home and you’ll acquire a whole range of soft skills, transferable to any job role. Doing an apprenticeship – you’ll immediately enter the world of work and gain valuable on-the-job experience while earning money as you study. You won’t pay tuition fees and you’ll make industry contacts from day one. Here we weigh up the advantages of each option in more detail to help make a tricky decision that little bit easier. If you’re still unsure, bear in mind that you’re choosing between the two experiences, not whether to gain a degree or not. It’s still possible to gain a university qualification with a degree apprenticeship. What subjects are on offer? If you choose to study at university, you’ll be able to choose from a range of programmes. This variety can be useful if you’re unsure what you want to do after graduation, as you can opt for a broader subject and keep your options open. You might also be surprised at the scope of apprenticeships on offer. They are no longer dominated by manual trades such as construction and engineering – instead, they span a range of industries including: accountancy business HR IT law marketing media nursing sales transport Take a look at some of the apprenticeship opportunities currently available.   Attachments Click Here To Download


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