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Character analysis and theme description ¦ Best answer 2022

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Character analysis and theme description ¦ Best answer 2022 Topic: Sophocles’ Antigone -character analysis and theme description. What is the theme of the play Antigone? What is the critical analysis of Antigone? What is the theme of Antigone sparknotes? Character analysis and theme description Antigone is a tragic play by Sophocles about the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, who chooses to give her life rather than violate her father’s last wishes. Her uncle Creon, who took power after Oedipus died, has forbidden all burial rites for Oedipus, but Antigone defies him and disobeys the law in order to bury her brother Polynices. She is sentenced to death by Creon, who has no right to do so since she was only obeying the law of her own city-state. Antigone’s character analysis begins with her name: The word Antigone means “against the law.” This indicates that she is against what has been established as legal and proper behavior within society, especially in Creon’s eyes. Other signs of this are found in her behavior; she chooses to defy Creon even though he is the ruler of their city and could have punished her for doing so. This shows how much she truly does believe in what she does and how much it would mean to her if it were possible for everyone to follow their own hearts rather than following rules set by others. In Sophocles’ Antigone, it is clearly shown through the character of Antigone that she is a loyal daughter to her family and friends. She loves them all very much, but she also loves her country more than anything else in the world. She wants to be buried alongside her father in a grave marked by neither a man nor a woman, but by an old tree that has grown from what once was the ground. She wants to be buried there because she feels that if she dies then she will never be able to see Creon again and therefore cannot rest in peace. The theme of loyalty runs throughout this play as well as many other plays that have been written by Sophocles such as Oedipus Rex and Electra. Loyalty is shown through Antigone’s love for her family who are being punished for killing Polynices who died in battle against Thebes; she wants to bury him with honor so she goes against Creon’s orders and buries him anyway in defiance of his laws which don’t allow burial outside the city walls or under any tree or monument. Another important theme of Antigone is that of loyalty. The Greek word for loyalty is “anathema.” This word literally means “one who cannot be saved.” In the play, Creon, the king of Thebes, has decided that he will not allow Antigone to bury her brother Polyneices’ body. Instead, he wants her to join him in his new palace where she will be safe from harm. Because Creon’s decision to banish Antigone is based on his own selfish desire for power and control over others, it is an act of oppression and injustice against her. Antigone is portrayed as someone who has a strong sense of duty and loyalty towards family members who have been wronged by other people. She knows that she must obey Zeus’ instructions if she wants to be loyal and respectful towards them. However, even though Creon has made his decision without considering how it will affect others around him, Antigone continues to stand by it regardless of how much suffering she endures because of it. See also: Compare and contrast the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles Attachments Click Here To Download


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