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Case study | Management homework help

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Case study | Management homework help Instructions: It is important to  understand what information systems are and why they are   essential for running  and managing a business. It is also important to   understand the different  systems that support different groups or levels of   management. In addition,  digital technology and the Internet play a key role  in  executing major business  processes in the enterprise. Also, it is  important  to  understand the ethical,  social, and political issues raised by  information  systems. The case studies  below provide you with an opportunity to critically   analyze events that are  taking place in real-life businesses. This helps to   develop your critical  thinking and research skills as you research each of   these scenarios. For this assignment,  review four case studies. Then, in an  essay, evaluate the studies and respond to each of   the questions below, using  both critical thinking and theory as well as   supporting  documentation. In Chapter 1, read  the case study “UPS Competes Globally with Information   Technology” on pages  23–24 of the textbook. Then, answer the questions   below.     How   does UPS use information systems technology to achieve its       strategic goals of   being more efficient and customer oriented?    What   would happen if the automated package tracking system was not         available?    Discuss   how globalization has “flattened” the world. In Chapter 2, read  the case study “Data Changes How NFL Teams Play the Game  and How Fans See It” on  pages 52–53 of the textbook. The, address the prompts   below.     Analyze   how information systems are transforming business.   What   types of systems does the NFL and its teams use?     What   is the role that these systems play in improving both       operations and   decision-making? In Chapter 3, read  the case study “Smart Products—Coming Your Way” on pages  102–103 of the  textbook. Then, address the prompts below.     Explain   the importance of collaboration and information sharing for         businesses.    Explain   what a “smart” product is, and use an example.    How   do smart products increase rivalry among firms? In Chapter 4, read  the case study “Are Cars Becoming Big Brother on   Wheels?” on pages 121–122 of  the textbook. Then, address the prompts   below.     Describe   how new technology trends may cause ethical dilemmas.    Discuss   at least one ethical, social, and political issue raised by       embedded cyber   connections in cars.   Discuss   how big data analytics are being applied to all of the data       generated by motor   vehicles. In formatting your  case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer   format; instead, use an essay  format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case   study must be at least four  pages in length (not counting the title and   reference pages).  You  are required to use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources   that are  no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources  used,  including  the textbook, must be referenced; all paraphrased material  must have  accompanying in-text citations. 


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