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Case study due asap | Human Resource Management homework help

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Case study due asap | Human Resource Management homework help Case Study Analysis-CLA-Course Outcome 2 Read the BUSINESSWEEK CASE: EXECUTIVES: MAKING IT BY FAKING IT at the bottom. Answer the three questions at the end of the case in a 2 page paper. Follow the project guidelines Complete a 2 page paper not including the title page and reference page. 3.Answer each question thoroughly. 4.Demonstrate your understanding of the information presented in the weekly reading assignments by defining terms, explaining concepts, and providing detailed examples to illustrate your points. 5.Include at least two references from your reading assignments or other academic source to reinforce and support your own thoughts, ideas, and statements. Executives: Making It by Faking It At least once or twice a year, businesspeople the world over are reminded of the high cost of a little exaggeration, a material omission, or an outright lie on a résumé and how a tangled web concerning one’s background can lead to career catastrophe. Consider the case of the MIT dean whose career track was halted when her employer realized that she hadn’t graduated from a single one of the three institutions from which she had claimed to have earned degrees. Or any one of a string of business executives who learned the hard way 174 PART 2 Acquiring and Preparing Human Resources that faking their way is no way of making their way into executive management. Just ask headhunter Jude Werra. The president of Brookfield, Wisconsin–based Jude M. Werra


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