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case study 2 | Criminal homework help

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case study 2 | Criminal homework help       Instructions   No directly quoted material may be   used in this project paper.  Resources should be summarized or   paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.  Case Study 2 Instructions You are working in the research   unit of a foundation that awards grants to criminal justice agencies. The   foundation is interested in promoting inter-agency collaboration to address   specific issues in criminal justice. As part of the announcement of the availability   of grant funds for this initiative you have been asked to provide a review of   an recent (within the past 10 years) case depicting inter-agency   collaboration and cooperation as factors in a criminal justice-related   case outcome. Your supervisor has outlined your work assignment as follows: Search for a criminal justice website that is a        repository for scholarly research to include case studies about collaborative        efforts to resolve crime issues in a community.  Website        examples include (but not limited to): Collaborative   Justice (org/resources/cjresources.htm”> The   Center for Effective Public Policy ( National   Institute of Corrections ( Crime   Solutions ( Center   for Court Innovation ( Center   for Evidence-Based Crime Policy ( Find a detailed overview of a case study that        utilized collaborative community and criminal    justice   resources to deal with a crime issue in that community.  3.   Respond to   the following questions: Describe the collaborative initiative- location,         date, what are the issues, who was involved with the solution? What solutions were proposed? Be detailed- What were the results? Be detailed- What partner do you feel was most impactful to the         solution? What partner do you feel was least impactful to the         solution? How could the outcome of the collaboration been         improved? Note, while these questions will be helpful is        developing a project paper outline, the paper itself should be presented        as a narrative. 4.     Complete Case Study 2 in the following format: A minimum   of three (4) full maximum five (5) full pages of narrative text  Respond to   the six questions in item 3 above Narrative   and Resource page citations must be done in the American Psychological   Association (APA) format (resource will be the case study you find) A cover   page (not included in the page count)          Name of the student          Name and number of the course          Date of submission    All other   pages will be double-spaced, 1 inch margin, 12 font. 


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