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CASE: Frasier Series (A)_Analysis

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CASE: Frasier Series (A)_Analysis 022916 Roy Weissman CMN 6060 Negotiations, Mediation and Facilitation Final Exam Case Study Analysis Assignment: maximum 2 page paper- 12 pt font, double spaced. Please put your full name and course number on all pages. Do NOT use a cover page. Citations can be placed on a third page. Papers not meeting all of these requirements will be subject to a 10% reduction in their grade. CASE: Frasier Series (A) In this assignment you will be referencing a case and answering the questions below utilizing course concepts. Your grade will be determined by your choice, application and explanation of relevant and appropriate course concepts to each of the questions asked. This exercise is not to review what NBC and Paramount did but rather to present the negotiation based on your knowledge of negotiation best practices and to apply those best practices to the Frasier negotiation. You will be evaluated based on your use of the most relevant and effective course concepts. Please keep in mind that this is a negotiations class and not a management class. Your responses should reflect an interpretation of this case as a negotiator and not as a manager. Please divide your assignment into 6 sections. Please make sure you address all of the questions below: Please number your responses. 1. Which party do you believe had the greatest need in getting an NBC/Paramount deal completed, NBC or Paramount? Please explain why. 2. Now you are the negotiator for NBC. Upon review of the Frasier negotiation and considering all of the course concepts we have learned, please list the 4 that would be the most powerful and effective in completing a successful Frasier negotiation. 3. Please present your reasoning for each concept’s role in completing a successful negotiation. Please discuss each concept in a separate section; the concepts should be sections 3, 4, 5, and 6. Provide specific reasons as to why you chose each concept and why you believe each one to be one of the 4 best to employ. Also please make sure you provide specific examples; if you think they should have had 2 more alternatives you should list the 2 suggested alternatives. The actual parties in the case may or may not have used some or all of the concepts you choose.


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