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Bw medi term 11-15 | Nursing homework help

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Bw medi term 11-15 | Nursing homework help   DIS 11 Read the Critical Thinking story on page 367 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic. Topic 1 Discuss how Mr. Davis’s loss of sight is affecting the way he treats others and is treated by them. Topic 2  Mr. Davis is a patient at the clinic where you work. Discuss the ways you would adjust your usual routine to accommodate his needs. Topic 3  Discuss why cataract surgery would be scary to Mr. Davis and what Dr. Hsing and his staff could do to ease his apprehension. Topic 4  If Mr. Davis does not go ahead with the surgery, what help might he receive from an agency for the visually impaired? What other services might be available to help him deal with his grief and depression? DIS 12 Read the Critical Thinking story on page 398 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic. Topic 1  Discuss why the school wants Michael to have completed treatment before he returns to class. Topic 2  You work in Dr. Gaines’s office and you know that the Boulay’s appointment today is about a potential contagious rash. What precautions should you take when the family arrives? Topic 3  Discuss how you might explain to Shaylene what impetigo is, how it spreads, and what she can do to prevent her other children from getting it. Topic 4  Shaylene is in a very difficult, and all too common situation. Discuss possible answers to her question “What am I gonna do?” DIS 13 Read the Critical Thinking story on page 425 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic. Topic 1  Why is it more difficult for Jacob to maintain his injection routine in middle school than it was in elementary school? Topic 2  Knowing that missing an insulin injection could cause a diabetic coma and possibly death, why do you think Jacob is not more conscientious in his self-care? Topic 3  Do you think Jacob’s schoolmates talk about him, or does he just think they do? Discuss the possibilities. What steps can Jacob take to help his classmates understand his condition? Topic 4  Consider the cost of managing Jacob’s diabetes for 1 year, for 10 years, for his lifetime. What if Jacob did not have insurance? What would happen if his mismanagement of his condition resulted in a hospital stay? DIS 14 Read the Critical Thinking story on page 461 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic. Topic 1  In a sexual relationship, which partner is responsible for birth control and why? Topic 2  If a couple cannot agree about family size or birth control methods, what options are available to them? Topic 3  Discuss how cultural differences and religious beliefs influence choices like family size and birth control. Topic 4  Some cultures value male children over female children. Discuss why you think this is so and how the changing cultural role of women may affect these values. DIS 15 Read the Critical Thinking story on page 498 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic. Topic 1  What precaution had James taken in case the pharmacist asked questions? Topic 2  Suppose Terrance was suspicious about allowing James pick up the prescription. Discuss the steps Terrance might have taken, including involving his supervisor. Topic 3  Terrance appears to blame himself for what happened with the MS Contin prescription. What might the pharmacy have done to ensure that medicine is always given to the right person, no matter who is on duty? Topic 4  Ms. Tirendale is obviously suspicious of her son’s actions regarding the prescription. Discuss the steps she might take to help him if she thinks he is abusing drugs.


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