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BUSFPX 4802 Assessment 2: CM Strategy: Project Approach and Plan

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BUSFPX 4802 Assessment 2: CM Strategy: Project Approach and Plan THIS ASSESSMENT WORKS OFF OF MY FIRST ASSESSMENT. YOU WILL NEED THE INFO FROM THAT ASSIGNMENT TO COMPLETE THIS SO I HAVE ATTACHED THAT FILE TO THIS.   Prepare a 3-5 page project approach and plan that explains the purpose and discipline of change management and the characteristics of a learning organization, define the goals and objectives, and describes the selected model to be used for the project.     Introduction Individual and organizational frames of reference, also known as mental models, are the assumptions and beliefs embedded in our language that determine what we see and how we explain how things work. Although in our speech mental models may be unconscious, they influence decisions and actions. It is important to examine methods for reflection and inquiry that help bring mental models to the surface. A team can then examine and choose its language in order to operate in a more open and integrated way.   Change leaders must also understand the dynamics of change and develop strategies for building a shared vision as a conduit for shared meaning and to develop facilitation skills. Creating shared meaning and supporting the relationship between employee engagement and enterprise sustainability allows people to believe they are part of a common entity, that they are participating in a community, and that they have the power to determine their destinies. By creating a shared vision, they decide what is important and why. By clarifying, they propel themselves into the future of the image they hold.   Overview The purpose of this assessment is to prepare your plan on how you will work with your client organization and the approach you will use to inform them about the change management strategy. This assessment gives you an opportunity to organize your notes from your conversations with the client organization (and feedback on your project proposal) into a document that clearly explains to the client what they are to expect from you as their change management consultant. The primary audience for your CM Strategy: Project Approach and Plan assessment is your sponsors and your key contact.   Instructions Prepare a detailed project approach and plan that explains the change management goals and objectives, the approach, and tools you will use, and how you will complete the work. Your assessment should have the following sections. Make sure you support your writing using information from any resources you have reviewed and research you have conducted.   Change Management Purpose and Discipline. Explain the purpose and discipline of change management and the characteristics of a learning organization. Establish the value of change management in organizations. Provide examples of other organizations that have used change management. Describe what an organization that doesn’t embody the characteristics of a learning organization looks like. Describe what a learning organization looks like. Explain the changes that an organization must undergo to evolve into a learning organization. Project Goals and Objectives. Define the change management goals and objectives of the project. Explain the goals you want to help your client organization achieve through this project. Align your goals and objectives with the characteristics of learning organizations. Selected Change Management Model and Tools. Describe the selected model to be used for the change management project. Summarize the following change management models: Organization Development Effectiveness Model. Appreciative Inquiry Model. Action Research Model. Senge Five Discipline Model. Select the model, or combination thereof, that you will use to complete your project, and explain why you chose this particular model. Describe the change management tools you will use to assess your stakeholders and the organization’s culture and environment. Identify ways you will gather information about the organization’s culture and environment. Project Plan. Outline a plan that conveys how the work will be completed. Build upon the initial timeline you provided in your Project Proposal and update it with meetings that you have scheduled and project deliverables you will be preparing for the client organization. Additional Requirements Your submission should meet the following requirements:   Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in an exemplary and professional manner through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing. Font: Arial, 12 point. Page length: 3-5 pages. Citations: Include complete citations for your sources. Review Evidence and APA for more information on how to cite your sources. Review the assessment scoring guide for details on how your assessment will be graded.   Competencies Measured By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:   Competency 1: Analyze key change management principles. Explain the purpose and discipline of change management. Outline a plan that conveys how the work will be completed. Competency 2: Assess change management principles and their use cases for achieving desired results. Describe the characteristics of a learning organization. Define the change management goals and objectives of the project. Describe the approach to be used for the change project. Competency 5: Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing. Write in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.  


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