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Apply: employee assessment case study

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Apply: employee assessment case study  During a global career succession assessment of leadership talent pipeline, a candidate was asked to complete a personality/behavioral tendency profile. The candidate asked to speak to the program administrator about the validity of the assessment. The assessment is based on first responses to several sets of word values. The instructions were to respond with first instinct to the set of words listed in several different categories. The candidate stated that some of the words could have different interpretations based on values, beliefs, and cultural origin. Therefore, the validity of the assessment could be biased in terms of results/outcomes. The program administrator removed the weighting of the assessment (not part of the overall assessment scoring) to be used for informational and team building purposes only.  Start with an opening paragraph that includes a thesis statement (purpose for the paper) and summarize the case study in your own words. (Do not just copy the instructions). Use the above information to answer the following in 700 words: Analyze whether the candidate has a valid discrimination concern or not about the assessment. Keep in mind that the word Association activity is the focus of the employees complaint. Also, note that the assessment was not used for hiring purposes but for placement on teams. Determine what EEOC laws could potentially be at risk of violation. Be specific and name at least one law that applies. Evaluate how the assessment could be altered so that it could still be used for the program. You must make at minimum one suggestion of how to change the assessment – eliminating it is not an acceptable answer.  Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines. Two references are required. 


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