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Apol 220 week 2 quiz IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW THIS PAGE TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS.   1. The Apology of Trypho on Behalf of Christians (c.125), written by Trypho, was perhaps the first formal Christian apology written after the composition of the NT books. 2. Among the Enlightenment thinkers, who thought that Individual empirical investigation and reasoned reflection, and not the pressure of an external authority or majority or an innate store of ideas received at birth, are the ultimate sources of true knowledge? 3. Friedrich Schleiermacher is often cal ed the father of modern theological liberalism. 4. Who wrote the famous book entitled The City of God? 5. Who created and developed the Best of All Possible Worlds theodicy? 6. Anselm is credited as the originator of which classical argument for God’s existence? 7. Which heretical chal enge and battle against it persisted into the Middle Ages? 8. Presuppositional apologetics uses positive arguments in an attempt to establish Christian theism 9. Gnosticism taught specifical y that there was a time when Jesus did not exist 10. Tertul ian is considered to be one of the earliest of the Latin church fathers and wrote Against Marcion 11. One of the arguments for the deity of Christ used by Athanasius went as follows: Only God can save humanity. Jesus saves humanity. Therefore, Jesus is God. 12. The Enlightenment celebrated the goodness of human nature and the value of human progress through faith. 13. Martin Luther believed that philosophy and reason must yield to the foolishness of the Cross 14. Joseph Butler is sometimes referred to as “the philosopher of Anglicanism” and these three words encapsulate his response to the deists of his time: analogy, probability, and cumulative 15. In his work Contra Celsus, Origen offers a point-by-point refutation against the attack that Christianity undermines the structure of society.   BUY MORE MATERIALS FOR THIS COURSE: APOL 220 Week 1 Quiz APOL 220 Week 2 Quiz APOL 220 Week 3 Quiz APOL 220 Week 4 Quiz APOL 220 Week 5 Quiz APOL 220 Week 6 Quiz APOL 220 Week 7 Quiz APOL 220 Week 8 Quiz


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