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Anxiety In ED and EL Students Discussion | Best Answer 2022

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Anxiety In ED and EL Students Discussion | Best Answer 2022 Anxiety In ED and EL Students Regardless of whether or not a student has a learning disability or emotional disorder, they will often experience anxiety when in a new setting. This can negatively affect their ability to learn and is caused by the environment surrounding them. It is important for teachers and parents to understand that these students are affected differently by their environment than other students may be, and understanding how to address this skillfully is essential for success throughout their school years. Role of anxiety The role that anxiety plays in ED and EL students is a complex one. There are many factors involved, such as their previous experiences, the learning environment they are in, their own personal beliefs, and so on. However, there are some things that can be done to help reduce the impact of anxiety on students’ learning. These include: Raising awareness about anxiety among staff and students. This may involve training staff to work with students who have anxiety issues as well as providing specific support for those who need it. It could also involve encouraging students to speak out if they feel anxious about something in class or at home. Encouraging students to talk about their feelings and emotions with others who can assist them further down the line. That way, they will feel more supported when it comes to dealing with any issues they may face as they progress through their academic career. Making sure that there is enough time set aside during each lesson for students to talk openly about anything that is on their minds so that they have somewhere safe where they can discuss things without fear of being judged or criticized by fellow classmates or teachers.” The role Anxiety plays in Students with Disabilities Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in the United States, with approximately 18 percent of adults reporting having a diagnosable anxiety disorder in any given year. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive worry and nervousness that interferes with daily life. Anxiety disorders may have physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach aches, which can be difficult to distinguish from other medical conditions(Raising Children, 2021). Anxiety disorders are often associated with other mental health disorders and substance use disorders. A study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that about half of people who had an anxiety disorder also had another mental health disorder. This link between mental health and substance use has been shown to be especially strong for people who have had an anxiety disorder in the past. The prevalence of anxiety disorders varies depending on age and gender. In adolescents, it has been estimated that approximately 10 percent have a generalized anxiety disorder and 5 percent have a specific phobia. Adults with an anxiety disorder have a lifetime prevalence of about 19 percent, with women being twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder compared to men. Difference between EL and ED student ED students are those who have passed their final examinations of high school and are preparing for the university entrance exam. EL students are those who have passed their final examinations of high school but have not yet passed the university entrance exam. ED students are generally more mature than EL students because they have already received their secondary education and they can cope with their stress better than EL students. However, they are still immature compared to adults in society because they have not yet experienced the real world. EL students tend to be more emotional than ED students because they have not experienced the hardships in life and do not know how to deal with them well. There is a difference between ED and EL students in terms of attitude toward learning. The former tends to be more diligent about studying, whereas the latter tend to be less motivated by studying as compared to ED students (they might just want to spend time playing games or socializing). Developmental Trajectories Anxiety is a common symptom of many mental health conditions. More than 90% of college students experience anxiety in any given year (1). Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health problems in the United States and affect individuals of all ages, races, and ethnicities (2). In recent years, there has been increased attention to the prevalence of anxiety disorders among college students. In fact, it was recently reported that one in five college students has an anxiety disorder (3). This statistic is alarming because it suggests that many young people are struggling with anxiety as they transition into adulthood. However, it’s important to note that this statistic does not mean that every student with an anxiety disorder will continue to experience symptoms throughout their college career. In fact, many people with anxiety may experience symptoms only during certain periods of transition (e.g., new dorms or classrooms) or during particularly stressful situations such as exams or final exams (4). Anxiety can be difficult to cope with at any age, especially when you’re still learning how to navigate your way through life away from home for the first time. Reference Anxiety: Children with disability and chronic conditions 5-11 years. Raising Children Network. (2021, December 13). Retrieved November 22, 2022, from Related Article: Major neurological system changes associated with age Attachments Click Here To Download


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